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Plugin Review : World Traffic 3 by Classic Jet Simulations


World Traffic by Classic Jet Simulations is one of the most significant plugins you can use in X-Plane. I will put my hand on my heart and say that I am a devoted follower of the plugin from its early days and here it is in it's latest and greatest manifestation as World Traffic 3 (WT3).


World Traffic

So what is World Traffic. Basically it is a plugin to create a dynamic world around your flying aircraft, this is in the form of other aircraft in which you can interact with and create a visually dynamic environment that fills up airports and its gates and has real form routes that the aircraft will fly between with built in ATC (Air Traffic Control). It all sounds quite simple but the machinations of creating this environment are extremely complex on top of an already complex simulator. The original World Traffic (WT) plugin was released in early 2013, by Greg Hofer of Classic Jet Simulations and is a concept by Francesco Missarino of Aircraft3D.


WT3_Head 1.jpgWT3_Head 2.jpg

WT3_Head 3 LG.jpg


X-Plane does come with it's own built so called A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) dynamic world, but it is very basic and mostly restricted to the areas around yourself, if mostly concentrated on to your current airport. The A.I. has made significant strides over the last few years, but basically as everyone will tell you it is still plainly average, restricted to 20 aircraft and in most cases I personally have never used it. 


One of the benefits of World Traffic is that it does not use or is connected to the base X-Plane simulator, it is in reality set a layer above. This allows it to be very frame-rate positive and better still give you a lot of control of the plugin. But this interactivity also created a barrier or complication that if we be honest created a time consuming and limited application of the idea.


A few diehards doggedly soldiered on and created the networks and ground routes to make World Traffic at least plausible and workable, and don't get me wrong as when World Traffic did run and smoothly it was was simply overwhelmingly excellent, and so overall WT was certainly well worth persevering with.


My way was to create small WT networks. Tight hubs of working ground routes and airline routes that interacted with each other, and to a point it worked very successfully, but the problem was that if I added in a new airport into the network there was a lot of work in doing so, it was not just a point and click and you could fly, but usually an afternoon of work was required to create the details of making it just work. So this was the biggest impediment to World Traffic in being wildly acceptable was in its just plain inaccessibility.


WT3_Head 4 LG.jpg


World Traffic 3

The inaccessibility of the original World Traffic concept has required a total rethink of the way World Traffic works. For current WT users a lot does and and still is the same, but the interaction with the plug is actually totally changed. The biggest concept of older users to WT3 is letting go of their old ways and embracing the new, once done then you will see how totally changed the plugin is. Once converted, you will then revel in the new, new.


I will in this review and semi-tutorial note the changes between the old and the new, most of the old WT files you will actually throw away and after all that hard work that is a hard thing to do. But the benefits are certainly worth all the changes.


World Traffic is made up of three components. The main X-Plane root folder called "ClassicJetSimUtils", the actual plugin "World Traffic" in your resources/plugins folder and the "WorldTrafficRadar" plugin also in your resources/plugins folder.



World Traffic 3 now comes with a installer. The Installer will do a full install of World Traffic, or if WT3 is already installed then any updates. It will also convert World Traffic from versions 1-2 to the new 3 so you don't have to go through your folders.


Older WorldTraffic (1&2) user will however need to remove these folders...


  • X-Plane\ClassicJetSimUtils\WorldTraffic\AircraftTypes
  • X-Plane\ClassicJetSimUtils\WorldTraffic\AircraftObjects
  • X-Plane\Resources\plugins\WorldTrafficRTG  You should also delete the Random Flight Plan Generator plugin folder from here on as it is now obsolete


First a License Agreement to agree to, then the root file of your X-Plane folder to install the plugin (note you don't need to stipulate the resources/plugins folder just the main root folder)


WT3 - Installer 1.jpgWT3 - Installer 2.jpg


WT3 - Installer 3.jpgWT3 - Installer 4.jpgWT3 - Installer 5.jpg


The plugin requires Navigation Data. If you have a Navigraph or Aerosoft NavDataPro account then you can dismiss this data install, if not then it installs the Navigation Data for you. Then the installer will install World Traffic 3 and when "Completed" will show you what has been installed.


If you have to set up WorldTraffic3 without the installer or when it is installed by the installer it should look like this...


First column is the plugins folder with both the WorldTraffic and WorldTrafficRadar plugins installed...  note the installer and running txt files (arrowed)


WT3_Install 1.jpgWT3_Install 3.jpgWT3_Install 2.jpg


Second column is in your X-Plane main root folder with the ClassicJetSimUtils file inserted here. Inside the ClassicJetSimUtils folder column three (top) are three items in:


  • CustomAirportRouting Data
  • Navigraph Data
  • WorldTraffic


The only folder you need to interact with is the final one in the "WorldTraffic" folder in column three (bottom section).



The aircraft for World Traffic are highly modified by Bluebell for X-Plane and they are actually freeware and are not part of the package. You can download the aircraft here WORLD TRAFFIC UPDATES with Airbus 1-4, Boeing 1-4, Regional 1-2 and GA - Military and both png and object files are to be inserted into your "ClassicJetSimUtils" World Traffic/AircraftObjects folder and all txt files go into the "X-Plane\ClassicJetSimUtils\WorldTraffic\AircraftTypes" folder.


It is important to note to remove ALL your old aircraft if you are converting over from WT 1-2 before installing the new aircraft as they are all significantly different, as a mix of the two object types will mess up the new version. It is highly recommended to update the "WT Alternative PushBackTruck" as well and insert it into the same AircraftObjects folder.



All the specific data to run the aircraft objects is held in txt files in the "AircraftTypes" folder



All the specific data to run the services from  airports is held in txt files in the "AirportOperations" folder



All the specific data to run the services (airlines and routes) from airports is held in txt files in the "Airports" folder



All the specific data to run the ground routes from within the airports is held in txt files in the "GroundRoutes" folder. Folders are split between DEP (Departure) and ARR (Arrival) folders


ICAO Operators

List of ICAO operator (airlines) codes for use in WT



Route, airline and airport data which is used to create routes is stored here.



Stand and gate parking information data



This was in WT 1 and 2 the route file folder, this is now disabled, but two files are still stored here in the "AFRE_Real_Traffic" and "Cargo_Tabular" with information on real airline schedules (AFRE) and cargo routes that are separate from the main routeing data. both items must be activated for both Scheduled and Cargo routes to run in the plugin.



Aircraft and airport sounds are stored here.


In most cases once the Aircraft object files are installed, you rarely need to interact with the above folders, it is mostly all background information and data for the plugins use, were as before you would install routes and ground routes for the plugins use, this interactivity is now not required in WT3.




Setting up World Traffic

It is important to get the (easy) access and the setup correct to use WorldTraffic3, to do this you need to set up your key input in the main X-Plane11 menu "KEYBOARD" under...  Keyboard/cjs....     I use just four main F Keys in:


F9 - F10 - F11 - F12


WT3_Key 1.jpgWT3_Key 2.jpg


Main Keys are: F9 - Radar Toggle / F10 - ReSync / F11 - Go To Previous Menu (backwards) / F12 - Activate Key Command Menu (forwards)


Under the SHIFT/ key are: F9 - Flight Info Key / F10 - Camera Track Key / F11 - Activate ATC / F12 - Previous ATC Instruction


Two extra keys in SHIFT + and SHIFT - are used for the aircraft zoom (in and out)


There are more key inputs available, but the above key commands will cover 90% of all your basic operations and the simple ease of WT3 use.


Using World Traffic 3

To use WT3 you have two items in the X-Plane plugin menu with "WORLD TRAFFIC RADAR and WORLD TRAFFIC.


WT3_Menu 1.jpgWT3_Menu 2.jpg


World Traffic Radar is just really the same toggle switch as you have set via the key input (F9) to show the radar popup image.

World Traffic has two menus with...


  • Flight Setup
  • Parking Assignments


Flight Setup

This is your main interface in setting up World Traffic 3. When you select "Flight Setup" a window will appear for you to setup your flight details.


WT3_Menu 3.jpg


Top panel is for ATC communication, but also to identify your aircraft in the route files and on the radar screen.


WT3_Menu 4 Flight.jpg


You fill in the Aircraft's ICAO name and operator ICAO with the airlines Callsign.  Right side requires your Arrival airport ICAO, Cruise Altitude and your departure and arrival time (approximately). In most cases if you use the same aircraft then just change your arrival airport and you are p[retty good to go, but it does require changing if you change your aircraft.


Flight Plan Generator

The heart of WorldTraffic3 is this panel in the "Flight Plan Generator"


WT3_Menu 5 Generator.jpg


In the earlier versions of World Traffic you had the "WorldTrafficRTG" or World Traffic Route Generator. That plugin is now thankfully gone. Instead of creating your own routes , the whole route system is now automatic and all those thousands of route files you created are now quite obsolete! (and yes you have to throw them all away...)

...   and I do admit the RTG did allow you to set up very, very specific aircraft flying under selected airlines at certain flying periods,  the RTG was however quite slow to set up and laborious to fill out (certainly with all the airlines and their route frequencies).


Four sliders are now the go in:


  • Max Number of Flight Plans to Generate slider

  • Traffic Density slider

  • Percentage of Gates with Parked Aircraft slider

  • Flight Plan Load Radius for Arrival and Departure Airports slider


First instinct would be to MAX out all the sliders, which is just going to cause you to overload the system, so a bit of restraint will give you better results and better flowing system, the above settings are about right for most uses.


Max Number of Flight Plans to Generate slider

The first slider will generate your flight plans up to the max setting. Flight plans are now auto-generated to be approximately close to the correct routes with the correct equipment. This means that US airports will have mostly US carriers and international arrivals. In say Norway at Oslo (ENGM) you will get mostly SAS and Norwegian Air Shuttle, but the system at this point is not totally perfect in that you may get say Qantas Boeing 738's instead of Qantas Boeing 747's at airports that Qantas do fly to but with the wrong equipment in mostly long-haul services, in time these fine tuning points will be tuned out, but overall the system works very well in tabulating the correct aircraft to the correct airport on the correct routing.


The routing data will also be in continuous development with AFRE_Real_Traffic and Cargo_Tabular regional data becoming more and more reliable, so for the really excessive pedantic users that list every known departure time and routing and expect WT3 to follow suit exactly, then it will come but not straight away as the routing data from AFRE is more and constantly refined in the future.


Traffic Density slider

The second slider is the traffic density adjustment. This will set the density of the aircraft flying around you and takes the percentage from the amount of flight plans generated, again it is very easy to overload the system if your density is too high. A note in that at large multi-runway airports you can pull the density below half if your system is struggling with too many services and the opposite with say a light regional airport that can benefit with more services in light traffic periods.


Percentage of Gates with Parked Aircraft slider

This slider can adjust the amount of aircraft parked at gates in either making the airport full or give you a few spaces and gates to park at, this parking area has another adjustment we will address later.


Flight Plan Load Radius for Arrival and Departure Airports slider

This slider will adjust the radius that local airports surrounding your departure airport has active routes from, I found 50nm was enough, but if you wish you can close it down to few nautical miles to get the best framerate, this will eliminate most local traffic in GA and prop regional aircraft, but if you want more of this sort of local activity then move the slider up, which is good for local point to point GA flying.


Three checkboxes in the lower part of the panel cover:


  • Auto-Gen Ground Routes checkbox
  • Auto-Gen Flights checkbox
  • Augment User-defined Flights at Airport with Auto-Gen Flights


Auto-Gen Ground Routes checkbox

If ground routes are not available then with this checkbox checked then WorldTraffic will generate the required ground routes automatically.


Auto-Gen Flights checkbox

World Traffic can either auto-generate flights or you can load flights from the AFRE_Real_Traffic and Cargo_Tabular regions data. If this checkbox is off you will use the real world data...   but you will find the arrivals and departures will be far slower than the auto-generated routes.


Augment User-defined Flights at Airport with Auto-Gen Flights

If you use the above AFRE routing data then it won't contain data for local GA (General Aviation) or military traffic and so you need this checkbox on to fill those routes in with auto-generated routes.


If you want active airports and lots of activity then use the auto-generated routes, they may not be perfectly specific in the airports activities but I found they were very close to the airports operations and gets you there amongst the activity straight away.


A final bottom bar will then "Create Flights" and activate WorldTraffic3



Ground Route Generator

Another area to be totally refined and changed is the generation of WT ground routes. If any area that created the most frustration it was in the creation of the ground routes specific to the requirements of WorldTraffic.


Earlier ground routes were a complicated and slow process with a few editors like the AGRE ground route editor by Chopinet to trying to help out in making it a more simplistic way of a very complex way of creating the many ground routes from one end or start of the ground route and then multiplying that factor by the amount of gates and runways that was in that particular airport, it was a very slow and painstaking process...   a few users created an auto-gen system but in most cases it just made the situation worse in refinement and in the sheer amount of gates the ground routes totally overwhelmed (I counted nearly 1400 ground routes once for LEBL?).


So a lateral think had to done to make ground routes a more flexible, easier and most importantly a more exact art in making WorldTraffic a more accessible plugin.


The solution is to use the built in X-Plane ground route system, or the ATC ground routes and Taxi Flow created by the WED (WorldEDItor)...  and it works extremely well.


WED GroundRoutes.jpg


But here is a major point to be highlighted. WorldTraffic3 ground routes and traffic flows are only as good as the built in WED ground routes and traffic flows!

So if a current airport either payware or Freeware does not have any built in WED ground routes then the generator will not work and generate new ground routes? 


The better setup the WED ground routes and taxi flows are then the better WT3 will run. As a note all your older specific created ground routes will still work fine, but if they are old then a regeneration of the routes will certainly help in creating a more modern flow around your airport if your scenery has now the currently correctly built in WED ground routes.


Biggest problem is for airports that don't have any built in ground routes? Most notable here is tdg's amazing sceneries and there are now 300 of them... But not a single one has any built in WED ATC ground routes?  And tdg has given no indication of even wanting to rectify the situation, so in effect all of tdg's sceneries are not usable in WT3?  that does create a BIG PROBLEM?


So if your favorite airport local or otherwise does not have any built in WED ground routes and taxi-flows then your only option is to create the WED ground routes yourself or I hope than users will share their new WED ground routes to cover the in blank airports, again the standard generated WT3 ground routes are all that needs to be uploaded to the X-Plane.Org WorldTraffic section as you don't need to actually share the WED ground routes themselves. As a note most WED built "Global Airports" are required to have the correct routes and flows built in before they allowed to be up loaded.


Ground Route Generator

If your current airport or arrival airport does not have any built in WT3 ground routes then WT3 will tell you and offer to generate the ground routes for you (If the WED data is available).


If you wish and you have just say loaded in a new scenery in either payware or otherwise, the you can enter in the scenery ICAO code and generate the ground routes ready to use with WT3, just hit the "Generate Ground Routes" bar to generate the routes.


WT3_Menu 6 GroundGenerator.jpg


First the Generator will tell you if the ground routes exist or not, and the time it will take to Generate the WT3 ground routes.


WED GroundRoutes Gen 1.jpgWED GroundRoutes Gen 2.jpg


Depending on the size of the scenery in runways and gates it may be quick or take a few minutes to generate all the required ground routes, and insert them in the ClassicJetSimUtils/World Traffic/GroundRoutes folder as Departure (DEP) and Arrival (ARR) routes.

When the Generation is complete it will show you a complete list of all the ground routes generated and the ones that failed and why.


A trick or tip...  is if your favorite airport scenery does not have the built in ground routes and a Global Airport version does, then swap them over and generate the WT3 Ground Routes and then swap the sceneries back again to use them...  The ground routes may not be absolutely totally perfect but at least you can use the scenery in WT3 and I have done this a few times with a very good success rate.

Activating or running World Traffic3

To start running WorldTraffic3, all you have to do is press the large bar "Create Flights"


WED Run 1.jpg


This action will generate the flightplans, load in the correct airport ground routes and select the correct SID and STAR vectors for the current airport. Then finally it will place all the correct aircraft at the gates ready to fly...   It does take a few seconds and depending on the size of the airport to do these actions but the results are well worth the short wait, now WorldTraffic3 is active.

If you want a refresh of World Traffic or change to the AFRE routes via the checkbox (Auto-Gen Flights checkbox) then just press the "ReSync" key (F10) or on the WT menu.


WED Run 2.jpgWED Run 3.jpg


The simplicity of WT3 is just when you startup X-Plane,  in then just running the Flight Setup and setting up your flight details and just hitting the "Create Flights" bar is soon to become second nature, but in most cases you just open the window hit the bar and away you go and WT3 is quickly running...  this is a far cry from the original WT setup...  it is now just so easy?


WED Run 4.jpgWED Run 5.jpg

Depending on the current airport's activity, aircraft will now start up, taxi and depart and via the correct SID (Standard Instrument Departures) patterns, concurrently aircraft assigned to arrive at the airport in this case South Florida KRSW will now also be active and following its route to the airport and via the correct STAR (Standard Terminal Arrival Routes).


WED Run 6.jpgWED Run 7.jpg


This is Delta flight DL853 from KDTW - Wayne County Airport, Detroit. All relevant information is located on a lower left "Flight Info" panel that can be toggled on and off the screen via our key setup Shift/F9.


Detailed is Flightplan Name, Aircraft Type, Altitude, Heading, Position Lat-Lon, Next Waypoint, Waypoint distance and current aircraft state and in this case "Following STAR SHFTY2.06"


WorldTraffic Radar

So how do you check out which aircraft you want to see? There are several ways as a more options will be shown later, but the easiest way is to use the World Traffic Radar plugin, that is located in your plugins menu...


WED Radar 1.jpgWED Radar 2.jpg


As noted earlier that to set up the Radar pop-up via a key toggle input (F9) and that saves you going to the menus all the time and is a wise choice. You have to input the airport "KRSW" that you want to see and click on the "Select Airport ICAO" button to centre the radar on the airport. You can have four distances from the airport in 10nm - 20nm - 40nm - 80nm and I use mostly the 40nm setting.


You can then select any aircraft on the radar screen to see it...  this is the aircraft in red.


WED Radar 4.jpgWED Radar 5.jpg


After selecting the aircraft then press the upper right button "Track Camera" to go to that aircraft, the aircraft viewpoint is simply adjusted via your mouse position, if you want to get in closer to the aircraft or zoom out then use your Shift + or - keys as you set up earlier. (you can also scroll though all the active aircraft visually via the SHIFT key: F9 - Flight Info Key)


To get back to your normal viewpoint then just hit any other X-Plane view key and you are back in your own aircraft.


WED Radar 6.jpgWED Radar 7.jpg


Checking out the Radar is great for arrival information, because you can see the patterns on how the aircraft are landing at your arrival airport and what STAR's the aircraft are using and what runways are active. Aircraft can also go into holds before landing and they are noted as circled lines but in time they will form into straighter lines and line correctly up to land.


The information you inserted on the Flight Planning section will show you your aircraft on the radar screen as we will see more below.


WT3 Arrival 1.jpgWT3 Arrival 2.jpg


Arrival aircraft will follow the correct STAR then line up correctly to land on the assigned runway.


WED Run 8.jpgWED Run 9.jpg


World Traffic aircraft are awesomely good, in fact the quality is as good as your own aircraft and the only real giveaway are only the more slightly square wheels. The aircraft have been highly modified for WT3, there are a lot of new and better animations in engine fans, flaps, airbrakes, aileron and rudder movement and aircraft lighting...    aircraft sounds are also highly realistic.


WED Run 10.jpgWED Run 11.jpg


WT aircraft performance mostly matches the published performances aircraft data and they are also affected by wind and turbulence. The planes will respond to crosswind takeoffs and landings.  published performances aircraft data is also used to determine suitable runways for aircraft when looking for takeoff runways. Fuel weights are calculated based on the max fuel weight and the aircraft range as defined in the aircraft definition file. Watching these aircraft on approach is excellent as they adjust and readjust to wind and alignment, did I say addictive, yes it is very addictive to watch. 


WT3 active Arr 13.jpgWT3 active Arr 14.jpg

Aircraft behaviour is excellent with runway alignment and even for wind adjustments on the approach. If a heavy is flying across the ocean it's calculated starting fuel weight will be quite high so it will use a lot more runway than if it's on a shorter flight. More runway is also required too at airports with higher field elevations with lower air density and lower indicated airspeeds. 


WT3 active Arr 15.jpgWT3 active Arr 16.jpg


On landing planes will use higher braking levels for short runways and they will touch down closer to the runway thresholds and they will leave their engine reversers on longer.


WT3 active Arr 17.jpgWT3 active Arr 18.jpg


Then the aircraft will taxi to their assigned gate, the taxiway and gate details are all shown on the info panel...


WT3 active Arr 19.jpgWT3 active Arr 20.jpg


You can follow the aircraft all the way to its assigned gate, and then you still get the full shutdown procedure, no just a quick cut off here as there is a full gate to gate experience from start up to shutdown.



Parking Assignments

One of the annoyances of earlier WorldTraffic versions was that if you landed at an airport you would find every single gate was full of traffic, and there is nowhere for you to actually park? Another visual issue was that if there was a static aircraft as part of the scenery at that gate you then also had a doubled up aircraft then also sitting in the same position which was not visually pleasing?


Now I like to always park at Gate B2 at KRSW so I would like that gate free anytime I arrive at the airport? Now in WT3 you can do that...


WT3_Parking 1.jpgWT3_Parking 2.jpg


From the plugin menu and World Traffic then select "Parking Assignments" A popup will allow you to select an airport (above right) and then the gate or bay you want to adjust (below left)....


WT3_Parking 3.jpgWT3_Parking 4.jpg


Again it very important to emphasize that the Parking Assignments selection is only as good as the WED data that it has to interpret. So if the WED gate numbering is poor and there are few airports out there with no numbering completed then you won't find or be able to edit your gate selection, so it important for WED developers to make sure the gate data is correct for the scenery.


The "Parking Assignment Edit" panel allows you to adjust and edit that gate, stand or bay situations. It covers the Type/Operator Aircraft name and tail number specifically for that gate (if you want it there). Parking position...    this allows you to fine tune any gate position so the aircraft is sitting there correctly and the correct pushback distance and also the correct aircraft door and wheel alignment.

If you wish to disable that gate completely for either your own use or if there is a static aircraft sitting at that gate then you need to uncheck the checkbox "Enabled" at the bottom of the edit panel... 


WT3_Parking 5.jpgWT3_Parking 6.jpg


...    to save the changes then press the "Regenerate Ground Routes" Bar lower right and you will get a panel showing the changed ground route details, and then do a Resync. Gate information is stored in the ClassicJetSimUtils/World Traffic/ParkingDefs folder.


You can also select in Parking Assignments on what aircraft and aircraft type you require at a a certain gate or stand. Biggest standout will be cargo aircraft sitting at passenger gates?


WT3_Parking Cargo 1.jpgWT3_Parking Cargo 2.jpg


Selecting the gate (or gates) you can select the aircraft type (or size) that you want to use that gate, and lower even the actual airlines (arrowed below left) via their ICAO code and you have twenty choices allowed.


WT3_Parking Cargo 3.jpgWT3_Parking Cargo 4.jpg


Lower is the definition of either civil, military, cargo only, non-cargo or both cargo and non-cargo aircraft via tickboxes, a regenerate will save your all your gate preferences and a Resync will produce the required results.


The parking gate assignments will allow you clean up your airports to your own tastes, but more importantly put cargo aircraft at cargo stands and adjust the gates to the correct type of aircraft or even airlines to specific areas (or concourses), this will be a continuous action with any scenery added to X-Plane, but it does make your airports highly realistic.


Ground Route Testing

You can test any ground route by using the "Test Ground Routes" button lower right bottom.


WT3 Ground Route editor 1.jpgWT3 Ground Route editor 2.jpg


On that gate or stand selected you have the option of seeing all the available Arrival and Departure ground routes and running a test.


When you select the departure and aircraft type and run the test you get four border poles (black and green) and the aircraft park position pole which is a white and red stripe pole, white and blue stripe poles note the ground route path...


WT3 Ground Route editor 3.jpgWT3 Ground Route editor 4.jpg


...  the white and blue stripe poles note turning and hold points and the test poles continue to the main runway hold point.


WT3 Ground Route editor 5.jpgWT3 Ground Route editor 6.jpg


The arrival ground route points are also available with the aircraft appearing directly on the immediate approach.


WT3 Ground Route editor 7.jpgWT3 Ground Route editor 8.jpg


Any ground route editing is now done with WED, that makes it easier to set out ground routes and do any adjustments with the new "test" system able to recheck or track your changes.




WorldTraffic Menu

To most older World Traffic users the menu is mostly still the same. Accessed through your key input with F12 to bring up the menu panel, F11 is your back track key, and so if you go one step into the menu you can then step backwards and even out of the menu by using the F11 key...  easy.


There are five menu items listed including:


  • Display Flight Info for Airport
  • Display Flight Info
  • Enable/Disable Regions
  • Preferences
  • Resync


Most interesting is the new "Flight Info board" which is selected via the first line.


WT3 Menu 1.jpgWT3 Menu 4.jpg


This board lists all the current flight plans for the airport listed at the top of the flight info board. Green lines note non-active flight plans and blue denotes active flight plans (or aircraft that are flying around in WT3). They are listed as ARRIVALS and DEPARTURES with the current ZULU time and date.


WT3 Menu 3.jpg


A third line denotes flights in Yellow Lines are which are departing aircraft, they activate about ten minutes before departure (Zulu) and at that point a pushback truck appears on the departing aircraft. When arriving aircraft could be accessed via the radar screen, you access the departing aircraft via this menu screen in selecting the departing flight you require.


WT3 Menu 5.jpgWT3 Menu 6.jpg


Once departure time arrives (Zulu) and then the pushback commences...


WT3 Menu 7.jpgWT3 Menu 8.jpg


...   engine start is once the pushback truck disconnects, but you can adjust the engine start time or wait time at this point via a menu preference.


You always have access to the lower left flight info panel set up via the Shift-F9 key. Once the aircraft commences its takeoff the flight departure line will change from Yellow to Blue to denote it is now an active flightplan.


WT3 Menu 9.jpgWT3 Menu 10.jpg


As with the arriving aircraft following their STAR patterns, then the departing aircraft will follow the correct SID as well. Once the aircraft has become an active flightplan it is now available on the radar screen in red, and you can access the aircraft later if you wish as it leaves the area.


WT3 Menu 11.jpgWT3 Menu 12.jpg


The Flight Airport Info board is quite new to WT3 or really a last minute addition, so it is a bit raw in this release version. It works and it works well, but it will also get more attention in future updates as it is a really great addition to WT3


Other menu items are also covered with first the "Display Flight Info"...


...    Display Flight Info covers all the flightplans generated, and there can be thousands (and thousands) of them. Any flightplan selected (as long as it is active in blue or yellow) can give you the same aircraft view as the radar. There are sometimes a few duds in red, but ignore them and all the green routes are just parked up aircraft at the various airports.


WT3 Menu F 1.jpgWT3 Menu F 2.jpg


Second Menu option is the "Enable/Disable Regions" This is the old WorldTraffic option of selecting regions to save overloading the plugin and keeping the active aircraft with flightplans within a certain area or airport...  this has been discontinued, but the AFRE and Cargo flight data is now stored here (and more data will probably come) and you need to have both data sources switched on to use (in Green).


Third Menu option is the "Preferences" The preferences are just simple commands that can change your - Max Track camera distance, AI aircraft volume, Plugin control of X-Plane Aircraft (usually ON), Ground Routes Required for arrival runways (Always ON), Start on runway if there is no ground routes (usually in close by airports to start flightplans), Ground Collision Avoidance (required so aircraft keep separation), Ground Collision timeout, (If a collision does occur then the aircraft won't freeze or stay opposite of each other), Aircraft Startup time in minutes, Navigraph approaches ON/OFF and Radar (Filter) options.


WT3 Menu F 3.jpgWT3 Menu F 4.jpg




Interacting with World Traffic 3

So what is X-Plane like with WorldTraffic3, brilliant...  is the first thought.


Your empty airport looks bleak, but after the "Create Flights" process has finished (ReSync does the same process) then your airport comes alive with aircraft, this is Aerosoft's ENGM - Oslo.


WT3 active 1.jpgWT3 active 2.jpg

WT3 active 3.jpgWT3 active 4.jpg


One thing to note is that you won't get activity instantly. WT3 takes a short while to get things running, but check out the radar screen and there are already aircraft heading your way or flying past to other destinations...


WT3 active 5.jpgWT3 active 6.jpg


...  and it doesn't take long before the pushbacks get started, my guess is around ten minutes before the airport is crawling with active aircraft depending on the time of the day and size of the airport, usually around 8.30am is the best for full departure activity.



My flight today is with the Zibo B738 from ENGM - Oslo to ENBR - Bergen as SAS - SCANDI. I have cut and pasted in my flight details (below right).


WT3 active 7.jpgWT3 active 8.jpg


Access to the ATC is via Key SHIFT - F11 and the information is shown upper screen (no audio), this will give you a runway selection available, but note if you select a runway not active (or wrong wind direction) then WT3 will totally ReSync to match that, and that does sort of spoil the departure theme, so a check of the radar will usually give you the current working active runways.


Then ATC will give you taxiway and runway departure information with the SID you are going to use for departure and bring up the X-Plane communications panel for the airport frequencies. At any point you can go back to any previous ATC instruction via your SHIFT - F12 key input.


WT3 active 9.jpgWT3 active 10.jpg


You have to be very aware of activity around you, as the airports can get seriously busy with aircraft traffic.


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All around the airport there is activity...  aircraft do taxi at correct speeds and slow for corners or tight turns, aircraft separation is excellent, both on taxiways, waiting their turn to takeoff and in sequence in landings. Earlier WorldTraffic versions had poor landing separations that caused a lot (too many) aborted landings, but WT3 is far better in separation, not perfect as you still get some aborted landings and this area is still under more refinement, but overall in WT3 the separations are now pretty good.


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Your awareness must be not just the local traffic around you, but there are aircraft turning to finals above you as well, it makes it a busy time in the cockpit...


WT3 active 15.jpgWT3 active 17.jpg


...     you also have to form a queue. Yes I have sat in line for long periods before getting my place to depart, a look at the radar showing lots of stacked arrivals can make you wonder "how long will I be stuck here?" when all you want to do is fly, but that is WorldTraffic's realism as well, in most cases you love the aspect of just waiting your turn and checking out the paperwork. Note that is you (below left) at the hold point from the WT3 aircraft perspective!


WT3 active 19.jpgWT3 active 19a.jpg


Then ATC as gives you the clear, you have to on the ball and move as there is traffic coming at you, but other times it will allow you to line up on the runway as an arriving aircraft departs on to a taxiway a long way down the runway, here I get a lineup until the Lufthansa has cleared the runway


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Then the ATC gives you the all clear to go with heading vectors and speed constraints. Once airborne you will get vectors to follow the SID (ATLA8B) and it will set up you up in going into the right direction. If you have a running SID flightplan then ATC will ignore you.


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You are noted on the radar screen (as long as you have filled in your "Flight Planning" details), again if you are not sure of your last instruction then press your for your previous ATC instruction via your SHIFT - F12 key input, added details include your current status.


WT3 active 23.jpgWT3 active 24.jpg


ATC arrival is the same as departure with you following the assigned STAR procedure, but again you might be put in a hold before being assigned a runway. The WT3 aircraft will navigate around you and you have to follow the ATC instructions to the letter on the STAR's and with aircraft separation, again your radar screen is your best friend.


WT3 active Arr 1.jpgWT3 active Arr 2.jpg


There is a Baltic Dash 8 to my north-west (red) and so I keep an eye on it and fall into a landing pattern behind it for ENBR RWY35 (arrowed above).


It is great to land at an airport with plenty of activity, and ENBR is busy...  A point to make is that a feature I would like is to be able to change my arrival airport enroute? You can't do this at the moment, but I think that would help, it helps in another way if you have to ReSync to make a dull airport active. These areas are still in refinement and overall it works fine, but a few times you may have to Resync an airport to reset it after you have landed.


WT3 active Arr 3.jpgWT3 active Arr 4.jpg


"Oh, where did he come from?" The Baltic Dash 8 suddenly reappears as he is far slower and took a longer route before turning off the runway, now he is suddenly in my ten o'clock...   So I let him pass and fall in behind.


WT3 active Arr 5.jpgWT3 active Arr 6.jpg


One of the great features is that aircraft will go to their correct parking areas in gates or stands, so the Baltic DHC8 goes off to the stands while I head for the gate (27).


WT3 active Arr 7.jpgWT3 active Arr 8.jpg


Even when parked the activity doesn't stop as we here (above right, arrowed) have a departure, a Norwiegan shuttle B738 taxiing in and a Widerhoe DHC8 also arrived and heading to the stands...  did I say this WT3 can lose you hours and hours of your life just watching airport activity? no...  well it does and it is very, very addictive!


WT3 active Arr 10.jpg


Did I also note that night operations are also very highly addictive? "No", well they are also with all aircraft having great lighting with full landing and taxi lighting (that turn on/off as required), logo lights and the usual strobe and navigation lights.


WT3 active Arr 11.jpgWT3 active Arr 12.jpg


There is a huge range of liveries with retro and promotional painted aircraft as well...


WT3 Liveries 1.jpgWT3 Liveries 2.jpg

WT3 Liveries 3.jpgWT3 Liveries 4.jpg


Aircraft types and airlines are very varied, even to some very obscure ones and every continent is covered around the world and not just focused only on the US and Europe.


WT3 Dreamliner 1.jpgWT3 Dreamliner 2.jpg




A few of the World Traffic purists will go "What the!" But what happened is that World Traffic in its third version is that suddenly it went very accessible and easy to use. The total benefits of the original innovations originally on offer here with WorldTraffic are now available to everyone.


In reality now it is a click and almost instant airport activity, not just from the actual aircraft taxiing, departing and arriving, but in the way you can also easily set up any airport with the correct WED ATC traffic data in just a few minutes, no more hours and hours on the ground route editors any more, it is now just a click and go setup.


And that is the whole theme around Worldraffic3, in making it totally accessible and easy to use in every area. Everything else has also had attention. The aircraft are far more animated and the quality is excellent, some GA's are a little average in textures but in the main you will be hard to be not taken in by the quality of the aircraft, they are very varied now as well, with everything from light GA Cessna 172's, twin-props, regionals in both props and jet, light B737/A320 and heavy jets up to even the modern Dreamliners and A350's and of course the super heavies in B744's, A380's and Cargo aircraft and their schedules and routes are also covered. Airline liveries also cover all bases with specialised liveries also presented, in fact it is all very expansive in all areas compared to the original WT versions as is the real world route and schedule information, SID and STAR departures and approaches are also now part of the new WT3 system.


One thing to note with the release of WT3 is there is still a bit of ground to cover in complete coverage, is some areas it is still a bit early on release. There is a lot of airports and their distinctive layouts to be fine tuned, ground routes to be generated and it will take time to get full coverage. I have found that setting up new airports (mostly payware) is a breeze, as most new releases do have that important WED routes completed, but many older sceneries don't have such built in WED data...  here is looking here at you tdg?  But X-Plane users are an industrious lot and we love nothing than challenges like this, and to a point that is also part of the fun... 

Older ground routes do work, but many could also be outdated, so if they can be updated and regenerated then it is worth the effort, but older ground routes are still valuable on airports that don't have built in WED ATC routes and have been carefully crafted for certain airports.

ATC is still quite basic, but to a point that was not the focus of this current new version and that will be part of the feature list in the future, and a lot more features are certainly coming.


For most of this year and throughout all the early WT3 betas we have used WorldTraffic and it has been very highly visible within our reviews, The plugin adds in a totally new dimension to the way we use our simulator and it is a huge bonus to any one that uses the features provided, empty airports suddenly become bustling hubs of activity and the plugin adds in great visual and interactivity into our flying.


For current users versions WT1 and WT2, there is an upgrade fee to WT3 of US$10 (if purchased since 1st Mar 17 the update is free), Originally WT3 was just going to be an update, but the development aspect took a more major turn that then turned into a total 3000hr redesign and the basic philosophy change to make the plugin far more accessible which has certainly been delivered in this comprehensive upgrade. For anybody else then this is a plugin you need or should have as part of your X-Plane system...  I am a true believer in WorldTraffic so I will state my case here honestly, but I not going to blind to the fact that WT3 is a significant step for X-Plane and is very if highly addictive...   once used it is now never forgotten, it is that great and WT3 for X-Plane activity, interaction and the sheer visual spectacle it is just highly addictive and simply brilliant.



X-Plane Store logo sm.jpg


The World Traffic 3 by Classic Jet Simulations is NOW available! from the X-Plane.Org Store here :

World Traffic 3.0


Your Price: $29.95
For past users before 1st March 2017 there is an upgrade fee of US$10.00, go to your X-PlaneStore account to get the discount. If purchased since 1st March 2017 this version upgrade is free.
Version 3 new features:
  • Automated Installers
  • Flight Setup Window
  • Auto Ground Route Generation
  • Auto Flight Plan Generation
  • Airport Operations File has expanded functionality
  • Parking Assignments Window
  • Flight Information Window
  • Updated Aircraft Definition
  • Improved Traffic Separation
  • SID/STAR/Approach improved
  • see the full list of all new features here




X-Plane 10 (any edition) or X-Plane 11 - running in 64 bit mode 
Windows, Mac, Linux in 64 bit mode


Installation and documents:

World Traffic has three components. The main X-Plane root folder called "ClassicJetSimUtils", the actual plugin "World Traffic" in your resources/plugins folder and the "WorldTrafficRadar" plugin also in your resources/plugins folder. There is a full installer and details on how to install WT3 into X-Plane.


Aircraft packages are downloaded separately and inserted into the "ClassicJetSimUtils" World Traffic/AircraftObjects folder.


A QuickStartGuide and a full Technical Manual manual is also provided...


WorldTraffic3 and all aircraft download links can be found here: World Traffic 3 Update Page

A key number is required and it is placed within the "World Traffic" plugin folder to activate the plugin


World Traffic development forum is here: World Traffic - X-Plane.Org Forums


A note of thanks to both Chopinet for his skills in creating a lot of WT3 detailing and editors, Bluebell for aircraft conversions, and without them then WT3 would just not simply exist in its current form.




Review and tutorial by Stephen Dutton
26th September 2017
Copyright©2017: X-PlaneReviews
(Disclaimer. All images and text in this review are the work and property of X-PlaneReviews, no sharing or copy of the content is allowed without consent from the author as per copyright conditions)

Review System Specifications:

Computer System: Windows  - Intel Core i7 6700K CPU 4.00GHz / 64bit - 16 Gb single 1067 Mhz DDR4 2133 - GeForce GTX 980/SSE2 - Samsung Evo 512gb SSD 

Software:   - Windows 10 - X-Plane 11.02

Addons: Saitek x52 Pro system Joystick and Throttle : Sound - Bose  Soundlink Mini

Plugins: Environment Engine by xEnviro US$69.90 : XPRealistic Pro v1.0.9  effects US$19.95

Scenery or Aircraft

- KRSW - Southwest Florida International by Aerosoft (X-Plane.OrgStore) US$24.95

- ENGM - Oslo Gardermoen by Aerosoft (X-Plane.OrgStore) US$24.95

- ENBR - Bergen Airport by Aerosoft (X-Plane.OrgStore) US$21.59

- Zibo Mod Boeing 737-800 - Default X-Plane11 aircraft by Laminar Research


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  • 8 months later...

The WT3 plugin will only work if the scenery has the built in WED ATC routes, if so you can generate a set of ground routes, there is a lot of custom created routes done now World Traffic Ground Routes.  Most default airports (3d) should have the required ATC routes done as it is required in WED, and most UK2000 airports are covered with custom versions, but how good they are is debatable. SD

  • 10 months later...
  • 4 months later...
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