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Scenery Update : KLAX - Los Angeles International HD v1.1 by ShortFinal


Like most things in X-Plane, time passes quickly. It is hard to believe that ShortFinal's KLAX - Los Angeles release version scenery is already two years old, and two years is a long time in X-Plane development and that was (with the quick update) v1.01, not to be confused with this updated version v1.1.


Actually this is the third LAX scenery from Mister6X or ShortFinal Designs. The first was a freeware version, but in retrospect nothing like the later payware version, and now this update version pushes the quality and detail out even further. Extremely popular is this scenery and so it should be as Mister6X is a master X-Plane scenery developer, we expect a lot from him, and usually on all accounts he seriously delivers.


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Complex and dense, and that sums up KLAX. This is a mega scenery in more ways than one, the download however is a sweet 831mb, and even when installed it is still only a 1.28gb volume. So in custom scenery terms it is very light. The original overview X-PlaneReviews review is here; Scenery Review : KLAX HD Los Angeles International v1.01 by ShortFinal Designs


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KLAX - Los Angeles International HD v1.1

So what have been the changes in v1.1. Actually they are quite significant to match the quality of X-Plane v11.50. First up there has been the complete change of autogate system from the Marginal Autogate DGS for the more flexible SAM (Scenery Animation Manager) system to bring LAX into line with the other ShortFinal sceneries...   Single, two and three pier installations are all now available and active, it looks great in action as well.


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Pier details are as usual the Mister6X quality and branding, in other words excellent, the SAM plugin is obviously required for operations.


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The new midfield concourse which is still being built at LAX is now also included in this scenery, again it gives a very up to date feel to the airport as it was seen in this condition with the FedEx B767 emergency gear landing that finishing directly in front of the new complex a few days ago.


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Construction scenario is excellent and so is the well done gradient service road...  this aspect also leads into the changes to taxiways L, K and R that surround the new concourse...


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...   a nice touch is the wear and tear detail on taxiway K, but not on L and R which are newer not currently used surfaces.


The v1.1 scenery is also X-Plane 11.50 compliant. Traffic (plugin) is updated to work in Vulkan/Metal and so my favorite animation of the LAX "Airfield" livery buses that do the transfers to the outer western stands are wonderfully working...  as are all the circle terminal animated vehicles.


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Ramp animations are also branded and active, the ramp detail is quite spectacular and highly realistic. Updated has been the airport vehicles with brand new PBR models and they now reflect (glass) and have a far higher quality detail, cars (static) are also a higher quality.


Terminal 8 and concourse ramps have been changed, and so the changes have been redone here to reflect the current apron layout.


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All of the ground textures have also had a significant overhaul... all runway (touchdown), taxiway and ramps are now covered in lovely oily, gooey, grungy, rubbery stains and markings.... ohhh lovely!


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Concrete based airports are so hard to make realistic, or even believable... but here with ShortFinal's LAX surfaces you can finally see some realism.


Mister6X was one of the pioneers of working with PBR and burnt-in ambient occlusion lighting and the master shows his work here as it is still some of the best ground textures around, obviously they have been redone, and all surfaces really have that "wow" factor...


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Same with all the exceptional textures on the terminal/concourses... in the right lighting all of LAX looks spectacularly impressive.


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With all this overwhelming detail and depth then some thing has to suffer? Mister6X has totally and drastically reduced VRAM consumption with this update and it certainly feels far better. The problem however is not the actual scenery here but with the comprehensive huge amount of autogen of the L.A. sprawl surrounding it... and yes it can still pull your numbers down unless you compromise on the object count of which I am loath to do, but don't blame ShortFinal for that aspect, it is what mega sceneries are... they are huge, massive and usually also sitting in the middle of an autogen explosion... overall it is a miracle it works at all.



This is the really the first major update to ShortFinal Designs (Mister6X) KLAX - Los Angeles International HD version no. v1.1, (I don't count the v1.01 fix update straight after the original release). It has been two years and this update brings the LAX scenery right up to date and has had a few changes and refinements as well.


Marginal's Autogate DGS has been changed to the more flexible SAM (Scenery Animation Manager) system to bring LAX now into line with the other ShortFinal sceneries... and I love that and "thank you very much". The new Mid-Field concourse is now visible but still under construction, and the surrounding taxiways L, K and R have also been updated to reflect the new layout. All textures HDR and burnt-in ambient occlusion lighting has been refined along with a far better decreased VRAM consumption, better grunge, oil staining and rubber markings have also been covered.


The v1.1 scenery is also now X-Plane 11.50 compliant. Traffic (plugin) has been updated to work in Vulkan/Metal and so have the quality of the animated and static vehicles with PBR reflections and slight gloss for even more realism...


Negatives, nothing... but to be aware this is a huge mega scenery in a very heavy L.A basin sprawl and so you need a fair bit of power to run it all, even with Vulkan now helping out.


Immensely popular and you can see why... ShortFinal sceneries are exceptional on every count, detailing, features, quality and in the sheer number of objects in the scenery, overall this LAX is a mindblowing experience and shows that X-Plane can deliver a brilliant simulation as realistic as anything else out there and at a great value price...   if you haven't yet got this ShortFinal KLAX, then you are missing out on an exceptional scenery....  yes certainly Highly Recommended.




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Yes! the KLAX - Los Angeles International v1.1 by ShortFinal Design is Available from the X-Plane.Org Store here :

KLAX - Los Angeles International HD


Price is US$26.95

Note is you have already purchased the release version, then go to your X-Plane.OrgStore account and update now to v1.1



High Definition Airport
  • Accurate models for all buildings with baked Ambient Occlusion
  • Dynamic reflections on objects and ground textures
  • Custom high resolution ground textures
  • HDR night lighting, animated LAX Gateway Kinetic Light Pylons
  • High resolution photo scenery (15cm/px)
  • 311 parking positions with randomly placed static aircraft
  • Custom Mesh by maps2xplane, realistic sloped runways and taxiway underpasses
Fully Animated Airport
  • Animated airport vehicles (GroundTraffic)
  • Custom animated jetways and DGS at all gates (using the SAM plugin)
  • Animated information boards on terminals
  • World Traffic 3 routes already included, made by Brian "Cpt. K-man" Navy (Bird Stryke Designs)


Installation :   Download scenery file size is 831mb. "KLAX Los Angeles International HD" being inserted into your X-Plane "Custom Scenery" Folder in this order...


  • KLAX - Los Angeles International HD (1.28gb)
  • z_KLAX_HD_Mesh (27.1mb)


Full Scenery Installation 1.29Gb


SAM Plugin - Scenery Animation Manager - Suite 2.0 is required for this scenery


Mesh is required to be installed Below all airports, but above over other local meshes (Ortho4XP) i.e.


  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/ KLAX - Los Angeles International HD/
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Global Airports/
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/
  • z_KLAX_HD_Mesh/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/
  • zzz_hd_global_scenery3/


WorldTraffic 3

Make sure you clear out any older versions or text of earlier KLAX WT3 files... then insert the provided WT3 items below.


  • ClassicJetSimUtils\WorldTraffic\GroundRoutes\Arrival\KLAX
  • ClassicJetSimUtils\WorldTraffic\GroundRoutes\Departure\KLAX
  • ClassicJetSimUtils\WorldTraffic\ParkingDefs\KLAX



KLAX - Manual (7 Pages)

no charts


Requirements :

X-Plane 11
Windows, Mac or Linux
4Gb+ VRAM - 8GB+ VRAM Recommended
Update and Review version v1.1 (August 23rd 2020)



Updated Scenery Review by Stephen Dutton

23rd August 2020

Copyright©2020 : X-Plane Reviews


(Disclaimer. All images and text in this review are the work and property of X-PlaneReviews, no sharing or copy of the content is allowed without consent from the author as per copyright conditions)


Review System Specifications:

Computer System: Windows  - Intel Core i7 6700K CPU 4.00GHz / 64bit - 16 Gb single 1067 Mhz DDR4 2133 - ASUS GeForce GTX 1080 8Gb - Samsung Evo 1Tb SSD 

Software:   - Windows 10 - X-Plane 11.50

Addons: Saitek x56 Rhino Pro system Joystick and Throttle : Sound - Bose  Soundlink Mini

Plugins: Traffic Global - JustFlight-Traffic (X-Plane.OrgStore) US$52.99

Scenery or Aircraft

- None-

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