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Aircraft Update : X-Crafts Embraer E175/E195 v2.2


Here is another if small upgrade to X-Crafts Embraer E175/E195 regional airliner to version 2.2, and so this is just a one percentage point change not a complete version change. The last update to X-Crafts Embraer E175/E195 v2.1 was only at the start of June earlier this year and in that version was the X-Plane11 compatibility change over and it was quite a comprehensive update as well.


Embraer E175/E195 v2.2

One area that developers are focusing on lately in upgrades is in sounds from the older X-Plane generic sound base to the newer FMOD sound engine built into X-Plane11, and this update is mostly focused on that aural aspect and hence the .1 to .2 change.


FMOD is a big game changer in X-Plane11 in creating great 360º directional sound and sounds for different areas and points around the aircraft (like different cockpit and cabin sounds). It is absolutely very good and a huge step forward for X-Plane sound, but not to the extent of custom packaged sounds like from Blue Sky Star which are very comprehensive in the amount of different and varied sounds they produce.


But for developers that don't have access to such high and those very varied versions of sound then FMOD is an excellent tool to deliver directional sound and deliver a more authentic experience in this important aspect and without the use of a dedicated plugin.


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And very good is this FMOD package, not perfect as you don't get that low GE CF3410E turbofan whine and in a few areas the sounds are slightly misplaced as in if you go close to the instrument panel the sounds change and go higher (I think it goes over to the external sounds) and this can be slightly annoying if you are moving constantly towards and away from the panel as in setting up the FMS. But the directional zones and the differences between areas like the cockpit and cabin is very good, and so overall the FMOD package here is simply a huge difference from the standard ones installed in the earlier versions. To note both the E-175 and the E-195 are totally the same here with no differences with this update and so here we will only show the E-195 version.


Overall the sounds are real as they based on real ERJ sounds recorded from a real Embraer ERJ by a ground support expert in Todd Fleck.


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There are no changes to the modeling, which was always very good from X-Crafts, with a very high quality aircraft that looks excellent in any light or season. It is also a very long way now from the original E-195 version released way back in 2014 and although externally the aircraft is very similar, in reality the differences are huge in every aspect from that initial original design to the huge amount of features now included. 


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FMS Tekton

With every release there is always a new feature or change from Steve Wilson for his Tekton FMS, and here in v2.2 he doesn't disappoint. In reality again it is just a few small changes but a welcome ones.


There is a new page accessed through the PERF (Performance) pages as there are now three pages and the new one is for the TRS or Thrust Rating Selection.


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Key select five right (RSK5) will now bring up the engine rating page...


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...   depending on circumstances such as load, runway length and weather, an E-Jet pilot will likely select a de-rated thrust value from the TRS page. This will created a de-rated thrust value which is intended to provide fuel economy and reduced wear on the engines. I have selected the TOGA (Go-Around) not to go to its full 100% thrust but to limit it to 97.38% thrust so it doesn't push the full throttle to it's maximum. These thrust rating settings are especially useful when using FLCH to control altitude changes, to get the correct power to do the correct action.


FMS detailing is now very extensive with a lot of information displayed about your current performance and position...


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...  and all the information is updated in flight for your convenience. But in setting up the Tekton FMS you have to though and a bit procedural. The SID-Route-STAR arrangement is still in there and you do get quite proficient in setting it up. But you have to also be very aware to cross your T's and dot your i's because if you miss anything when generating the flightplan (on the Progress page) then you are stuck with it, as too try to fix it will only mess it up or not get another flightplan activation...  in this case I missed the TOC (Top of Climb) and TOD (Top of Descent) altitude settings and I was stuck with it?


SID and STAR set up is great for Departure (SID) but still slightly messy for STAR's (Arrivals). My Manchester EGCC arrival via MIRSI to runway 23L sent me actually to REXAM via WAL (Wallasey) which is great for a southwest approach to either RWY's 05L/05R but I was re-routed 180º back to the MIRSI VOR for a northeast RWY 23L approach, point was I was already at MIRSI? (below left) so I had to do a complete loop around back to my original position before heading correctly around to RWY23L . In the end I just changed my approach to RWY 05L as I was at WAL anyway (below right).


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You can edit these STAR's of course but you will need your own notes (which I do have for EGCC 05L/23R) via MIRSI, but don't rely on them until you have checked them and they are correct. I always found it was best to edit before, to make sure I get the approach procedure I wanted.


There is a few adjustments to the 3d model (which as noted was very good anyway) and a bit more work on the flight model tuning is about it for this update 2.2.


A routine flight from ENGM (Oslo) to EGCC (Manchester) confirmed that this E-195 is a nice aircraft, a great starter regional aircraft as it has enough deep immersion for the serious simmer, but it is also still simple enough for the uninitiated flyer out there. It is very light on your computer as well as I got great framerate numbers, but for the full effect I would recommend X-Plane11 for its features and it is also required for the new sound feature as a preference.


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The E-195 does certainly sound a lot better with FMOD and is a huge improvement over the older version. In the air I was quite contented and really enjoyed the flight.


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Here is a nice little update to an already nice aircraft. Not a big one by any means but great sounds are important to the overall experience and this FMOD feature now provides that aspect. The sounds are real and recorded from the real aircraft by an engineer but they are not the total in depth sounds that come from a specialist developer.


A few new mods also comes to the FMS by the way of the new selectable thrust rating values in the TRS, again a nice addition and finally there has been a few nips and tucks to keep the aircraft very current.


Recommended more for X-Plane11 than X-Plane10 because to a point the aircraft requires this version to run these new additions, but overall the E-Jets in both E-175 and E-195 versions are both great aircraft for X-Plane...  and this update just makes them even more current and more relevant than ever before.




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Yes! the Embraer E175/E195 v2.2 by X-Crafts is NOW available from the new X-Plane.Org Store here :


Embraer E-175 v2.2

Price is US$39.95


Embraer E-195 v2.2

Price is US$39.95


Twin Embraer E-175 and E-195 v2.2 Set is also available for US$59.95


Embraer E-175 and E-195 Package


If you have either the Embraer E-175 or E-195 in its earlier form before version 2.0, there is is an upgrade deal from X-Craft's for only US$5.00, Please email [email protected] to get your discount code and include your original order number.


If you own any later 2.0 or 2.1 version, then this upgrade to v2.2 is free and just go to the X-Plane.OrgStore and log  into your account for the free upgrade.


X-Crafts E-175 v2 review is here: Aircraft Review : Embraer E-175 v2.0 by X-Crafts

The E-175 v2 review does have a comprehensive look at the TEKTON FMS© and it is not that much different to this aircraft's E-195 version.



  • NEW: Fully integrated 3D sound system!
  • Accurate dimensions based on drawings and documentation provided by Embraer ©
  • Windows, Mac and Linux compatible
  • Custom TEKTON FMS© by Steve Wilson
  • An awesome Reflections plugin that makes the airplane look amazing in both X-Plane 10 and X-Plane 11 (disabled by default, please read the instructions for installation)
  • Custom improved pushback plugin with animated tug. A white silhouette will show the final position after the pushback!
  • On-screen checklist plugin 
  • NEW Plugin menu for door control, ground objects or GPU
  • Suitable for beginners - Just load and fly within seconds!
  • Great for advanced users  - Enjoy the complexity of the Custom FMS!
  • Mouse scroll wheel support 
  • This add-on comes with the NavDataPro dataset by Aerosoft



X-Plane 11 or X-Plane 10.50 +

Package is X-Plane 11 only
Windows, MAC or Linux - 64 bit Operating System required
8Gb RAM - 2Gb VRAM Minimum. 3Gb+ VRAM Recommended
Current version: 2.2 (last updated October 5th 2017)
X-Crafts Support Forum : Support forum for the E-195



Version notes:


Version 2.2 (October 5th 2017)

  • Completely new 3D Sound System introduced using FMOD - based on real ERJ sounds recorded from a real Embraer ERJ, inside and out, on a flight line by our professional ground support expert, Todd Fleck.
  • Added New Tekton FMS functionality: Thrust Rating Selection (TRS). This will give pilots the ability to hold a fixed N1 percentage provided that the thrust levers have been sufficiently advanced. This is especially useful when using FLCH to control altitude changes. De-rating thrust is a normal part of airline operations to provide fuel economy and reduce wear on engines. (More information on the proper use of TRS will be provided in our support forum).
  • Replaces LBS/KG units selection on PERF 1. Moved LBS/KG units selection to PERF 3.
  • Updated SASL to version 2.5.0. This will preclude any further need to install Microsoft Visual C Redistributables in order to use the menu system to control X-Crafts provided ground support equipment, pushback capability and in-flight checklist functions.
  • Adjusted the keyframing of the N1 indicators to correctly display N1 values - matching the dataref value accurately.
  • Several minor fixes to the 3D model




Release notes by Stephen Dutton

11th October 2017

Copyright©2017: X-Plane Reviews


(Disclaimer. All images and text in this review are the work and property of X-PlaneReviews, no sharing or copy of the content is allowed without consent from the author as per copyright conditions)


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