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Plugin Updated : WebFMC Pro v1.8.0 by Green Arc Studios


Green Arc Studios have done another small but significant update to their excellent WebFMC Pro Plugin to v1.8.0.


This update covers the newly released FlyJSIM Q4XP and the use of the also new Universal UNS-1 Flight Management System. The X-PlaneReviews MEGA review of the Q4XP is here; Aircraft Review : Q4XP by FlyJSim


The WebFMC is a plugin that allows you to use a FMC (Flight Management Computer) on an external screen via a web browser. That is an another computer or tablet. So it is a remote tool, but a very beneficial tool and even a powerful one in programming in route and performance data and following the set aircraft route in flight and in mirroring the aircraft's built in FMS (Flight Management System). Added into the functionality is a load of features in the use of the FMC on another screen....  and so yes I am a huge fan.


v1.8.0 release

Added in this update are two more aircraft. One is the excellent FlyJSim Q4XP (Yeah!) Note that you will need the Q4XP v1.09 for the WebFMC Pro v1.8.0 version to work in the Dash8. The second aircraft is the three screen HotStart Challenger 650 of which all the three CDU screens are supported. There are also two fixes in v1.8.0 with the now 5 second delay before refreshing the display on initial connect or reconnect, and the notice of critical errors in the status window.


  • support for FlyJSim Q4XP
  • suport for the upcoming HotStart Challenger 650 (3 CDUs are supported)
  • fixed ~5 second delay before refreshing the display on initial connect or reconnect
  • improved reporting of critical errors in Plugin > WebFMC > Status window.


My routing details are usually done on another computer (A Mac 27") and use SimBrief and Navigraph tools... 


The Universal UNS-1 FMS shortened facia has been reproduced to match the Q4XP aircraft in a resizable window. Both FMS units are also accessible via the arrows at the top of the pop-up window. Positioned next to my SimBrief Route inputs are direct from the source.


Q4XP - WebFMC V180_ head.jpgQ4XP - WebFMC V180_ head 4.jpgQ4XP - WebFMC V180_ head 2.jpgQ4XP - WebFMC V180_ head 3.jpg


You can input waypoints directly by your keyboard including ENTER, and select side key buttons via your mouse for really fast inputting of data. Here I am going directly to the DEPART (EKCH - Copenhagen) STAR procedure LANG1F to LANGO.


Q4XP - WebFMC V180_ head Start 15.jpgQ4XP - WebFMC V180_ head Start 16.jpg

Q4XP - WebFMC V180_ head 5.jpgQ4XP - WebFMC V180_ head 6.jpg

Q4XP - WebFMC V180_ head 7.jpg


All inputs can be damn quick... type in the number and ENTER, type in your required ICAO waypoint and just double click (ENTER) to insert, it is all so devilishly easy and quick.


Q4XP - WebFMC V180_ head Start 17.jpgQ4XP - WebFMC V180_ head Start 18.jpg


Require an AIRWAY, then press LIST and the AIRWAYS key RK2, and select your airway and destination (1. N872) and (2. EEL).


Q4XP - WebFMC V180_ head Start 19.jpgQ4XP - WebFMC V180_ head Start 20.jpgQ4XP - WebFMC V180_ DEGUL AIRWAY 1.jpgQ4XP - WebFMC V180_ DEGUL AIRWAY 2.jpg


A note is that if you want to DEL (Delete a waypoint) you can't use the keyboard DELETE key, that aspect has to be done directly with the mouse RK1.


Boom, Boom done...  So building up a flightplan (even remotely) is very, very easy, did I mention quick! 

I found no CTDs (Crash to Desktop) and everything flowed very well with ease and comfort from the remote screen and keyboard access over both on board UNS 1 units.


Build one flightplan in a UNS 1, then XFILL (crossfill) over to the other unit, click the arrow top to check it is all inserted.... DONE!


Q4XP - WebFMC V180_ head Start 21.jpgQ4XP - WebFMC V180_ head Start 22.jpg


Adding in your fuel data is also very easy, fill in your fuel loading data both from SimBrief and the JPad.


Q4XP - WebFMC V180_ Fuel 2.jpgQ4XP - WebFMC V180_ Fuel 1.jpg


Once in the air, again the WebFMC Pro is brilliant for route following in data (I even use or see the current data on my iPhone if I have to move away from the desktop!)


Q4XP - WebFMC V180_ Enroute.jpgQ4XP - WebFMC V180_ Enroute 2.jpgQ4XP - WebFMC V180_ Enroute 3.jpgQ4XP - WebFMC V180_ Enroute 4.jpg


The v1.8.0 updated WebFMC Pro is a gem for doing this input work on the Q4XP from your keyboard, a certain must have if you have the FlyJSim aircraft. I don't have the HotStart Challenger 650 aircraft to show you how the WebFMC Pro works with three screens, but if it becomes available, I will add in the information below.


The full current complete list of supported aircraft / FMCs with WebFMC version 1.8.0

  • Default X-Plane # - FMC requires X-Plane 11.35+
  • A319 # by ToLiss
  • A320 Ultimate # by FlightFactor
  • A320 by Jar Design requires JD320 v3.4r1+
  • A321 # by ToLiss
  • A330 by Jar Design requires JD330 v3.1r2+
  • A340 by Jar Design
  • A340 # by ToLiss
  • A350 XWB Advanced by FlightFactor - old style CDU only
  • B737-300 # by IXEG
  • B737-800 # Zibo Mod*
  • B737-900U Ultimate #*
  • B737-700U Ultimate #*
  • EADT x737 with x737UFMC all variants; requires x737UFMC
  • EADT x737 # - with Default FMC all variants
  • B747-8 by SSG (VMAX) all variants; old v1.9.2+ and new v2.1+
  • B757v2 # by FlightFactor - all variants; requires 757 v2.2.13+
  • B767 # by FlightFactor - all variants; requires 767 v1.2.6+
  • B777 by FlightFactor - all variants
  • CL650 # by HotStart NEW!
  • CRJ-200 by JRollon
  • Embraer E170 by SSG - requires v1.4+
  • Embraer E195 by SSG - requires v1.4+
  • ERJ Family # by X-Crafts
  • MD-80 by Rotate requires MD-80 v1.42+
  • Q400 (Q4XP) # by FlyJSim - Requires v1.09 NEW!


There are two versions available and the PRO version is now listed with an impressive 25 aircraft + Default X-Plane FMC, but three in the list of the Zibo Mod 737-800* and the 737-900ER/700* Ultimate are also available in the Free Demo version. Noted # aircraft are dual CDUs : # aircraft are Triple CDUs


Still super brilliant and a worthy tool for X-Plane routing...  for WebFMC Pro it is always a big YES! from me.



X-Plane Store logo sm.jpg


Yes! WebFMC Pro v1..8.0 by Green Arc Studios is NOW AVAILABLE from the X-Plane.Org Store here :

WebFMC Pro

Price is US$19.99


The v1.8.0 update is free to previous purchasers of the plugin, go to your X-Plane.OrgStore account for the new version.


Access CDU / FMC of select X-Plane 11 airplanes via any modern web browser running on your PC or mobile device over local network.


Quick and easy access to the FMC
Get easy access to the FMC: quickly edit the flightplan, monitor flight progress, set up your approach and do all the typical work of the pilot without having to move around in the cockpit, even if the plane doesn’t support FMC as a popup natively - on the same PC, or different monitor, tablet or phone - in fact you can use multiple displays at the same time!
Make pilot tasks easy and comfortable
Enjoy external views during cruise while monitoring flight progress on separate screen or take a quick look at your phone to verify calculated landing speed with just a glimpse of an eye during busy time on approach. Make flying complex SIDs / STARs easy as you can focus on the important flight parameters while having overview of the constraints all the time. Take your mobile to the kitchen as you cook a dinner during a long haul and never miss T/D again!
Convenient to use
Use physical keyboards on PC with extra keys such as Prev/Next page mapped to keyboard keys for easy access. WebFMC scales dynamically to fit any display or window size and can look as native app on mobiles by using browser's "Add to home screen" feature.
The WebFMC plugin requires X-Plane 11 running
  • 64-bit Windows 7 operating system or newer
  • Mac OS 10.14.x (Mojave)
  • Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS or 18.04 LTS (64-bit)  
Web Client
The CDU can be displayed on any modern and up-to-date web browser with JavaScript support.
We recommend the latest versions of Google Chrome on PC or Android and Safari on iOS. 
No internet connection required, remote device needs to be on the same local network as X-Plane PC. 
Support for WebSockets RFC 6455 standard is required which implies at least iOS version 6.


Plugin Update by Stephen Dutton

20th November 2021

Copyright©2020 : X-Plane Reviews


(Disclaimer. All images and text in this review are the work and property of X-PlaneReviews, no sharing or copy of the content is allowed without consent from the author as per copyright conditions)


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  • Stephen changed the title to Plugin Updated : WebFMC Pro v1.8.0 by Green Arc Studios
2 hours ago, Robder said:

V1.0.9 was released on Nov. 19 according to their discord.


Probably a typo or an earlier release...  we are at v1.8.0...  not v1.0.9? 

4 hours ago, Stephen said:


Probably a typo or an earlier release...  we are at v1.8.0...  not v1.0.9? 

There may be some confusion. I also wondered about the release numbers…

The way I interpret this is that the version of WebFMC is 1.80 and it requires version 1.0.9 of q4xp.


I changed the review "Note that you will need the Q4XP v1.09 for the WebFMC Pro v1.8.0 version to work in the Dash8.."...  Just to clear up the issue.

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