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Scenery Review : Brenta Dolomites 3D by Frank Dainese and Fabio Bellini


This is the fifth and final of the five sceneries that will cover the Dolomite Mountain Ranges in the eastern north of Italy. This new area covers the Brenta Group which is set southwest of the four other packages including the Drei Zinnen National Park, Cortina - Cadore, Belluno and the Western Dolomite areas. Here are the five regions... with the new Brenta Group which is in Green...  Drei Zinnen National Park in red, Cortina-Cadore in yellow, Belluno in purple and the Western Dolomites is in Orange.


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This scenery is unusual in that it does not adjoin or over-lap any other of the preceding sceneries, and actually stands alone. You can of course easily just fly across the Casies Valley from the Val Gardena Valley and you are right in there, so the new Brenta range is not what you would call separated, separated, but just does not also either actually require the other packages to work overall.


The Brenta Group or Brenta Dolomites (Italian: Dolomiti di Brenta) is a mountain range, and a subrange of the Rhaetian Alps in the Southern Limestone Alps mountain group. They are located in the Province of Trentino, in northeastern Italy. It is the only dolomitic group west of river Adige. Sometimes called the "Western Dolomites". As part of the Dolomites, the Brenta Group has been officially recognized as UNESCO World Heritage Site under the World Heritage Convention.


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Our route takes us around the base (or valleys) around the Brenta Group, Starts in Pinzolo and ends at the Rifugio Dos Sabion, the orange line represents the point that the custom scenery stops in the package at the northern aspect.


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There is only one airport XLIPN (Grass) at Pinzolo in the scenery, so we will start there. Pinzolo is situated in the Rendena Valley, Italy and the airfield is set central of the township. The grass runway is extremely long (over 3000m) but a good one... Elevation is a high MSL 2395 ft and that is in the valley.


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The grass strip airport is quite basic with a few reception/terminal buildings and two large rusting hangars, the airport is sort of fictional as a grass airfield was built in Pinzolo to facilitate VFR flight with a runway of 700 meters, but there is a real helipad at the Madonna Di Campiglio - Pinzolo Helipad (see below)


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Not noted or assigned a ICAO is a H-Pad at the airport and it is just set past the reception buildings.


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I am back in the Bell 407 for this section after a sound (engine) fix, which is a much lighter and smaller aircraft than the heavier B412 and more suited to the area.


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The main central part of Pinzolo is set to the north of the airstrip...


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Custom objects and there are thousands (or tons of thousands throughout the whole five packages) are excellent, the reference to the local alpine context is very good, the all (important) Italianate churches references are also well done including the Church of San Vigilio and the Church of Saint Vigilius of Trent that stands in the town. Notable are the industrial buildings as well, as these valleys do have quite a lot of industrial aspects, football (soccer) fields are also very well represented thoughout the scenery.


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Also reproduced are all the main lifts (cable) in each of the tourist areas throughout the scenery, it can turn into a game in listing and finding them all...  Madonna di Campiglio and Pinzolo are the main tourist centres with the biggest lift networks.


Heading south you pass over the Palu sports fields and then the tail end of Pinzolo.


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Vilages of Bocenago, Spiazzo, Vigo Rendena and Porte di Rendena are all placed down the Rendena Valley are all spread out in front of you...


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At the southern most point of the scenery you break into a huge Y shaped valley and commune of Tione di Trento peaks into view and the commune is well known for production of being a specialist of divine candles (the long ones in churches).


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The candle factory is there, as well as a large hospital in the Tione Hospital (a H-Pad HELTI is located at the hospital), and a lovely football ground.


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We turn east and up the Giudicarie valley these villages and communes here were combined to create the Comune di Tre Ville.... with Preore and Ragoli at the centre. "Giudicarie", means "judicial districts" and the name goes back to legal traditions of the Middle Age.


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The one thing I found in spending hours following valleys around the significant areas of these packages are surprises that can come around the next bend, in this case it is Stenico and it's famous Stenico Castle.


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I decide to take a loop back around to get a closer look at the commune and the castle...  If you do go back to Dainese and Fabio Bellini's Eiger 3D package, I was not too keen on the base valley textures as they were quite basic. There has been a significant effort throughout the whole Dolomite series to give the valleys a more realistic look and feel, and they are certainly far more detailed and convincing. With each new package there seems to be more fill and as became more focused on these aspects and here quite noticeably in the Brenta package again there is far more detailing and more realistic elements added in, and I am going to guess here and say that they are vineyards. First a swoop over Stenico and the Chiesa Parrocchiale di San Vigilio church.


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The Stenico Castle is a fort on a steep hill, surrounded by the Brenta Dolomites and is situated at the foot of the Paganella Plateau. It is a seat of power built on a spur overlooking the roads of communication towards the Valli Giudicarie, and the Castello di Stenico dates back to more than 2000 years, and was first built as a refuge for the Stoni - a proud Alpine population exterminated by the Romans - from which the town takes its name.The beauty of the castle is due to its multi-layer style, because of all the changes and additions which took place throughout the centuries.


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Heading northeast from the Comano Valley and next up is San Lorenzo Dorsino and at the entrance of the Val d'Ambiez...    at the end of the valley you get your first glimpse of the Brenta Group, and the peak of Cima Tosa from the south...  but it is only fleeting at this low height unless you go up the valley closer to the range.


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San Lorenzo Dorsino is set high on the left...


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On past San Lorenzo Dorsino and the next experience is the huge Lake Molveno.


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The lake marks the boundary between the Group of the Brenta Dolomites (Campanile Basso, Croz dell'Altissimo, Sfulmini, Cima Tosa) to the west and the Paganella - Mount Gazza formations to the south east).

In 1952, the lake was drained to allow the construction of collectors and conduits to feed the power plant of S. Massenza. On this occasion a petrified forest submerged at the time of the lake's formation was found on the bed of the lake. The analysis with radiocarbon carried out in the laboratory of nuclear geology of the University of Pisa has established that the formation of Lake Molveno dates back to the early Iron Age. (about 3000 years ago).


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Note the excellent X-Plane reflections, with Vulkan v11.50 now working you can finally get access to the feature and it is well worth the effort, it brings these mountain lakes alive. Top end (north) of the lake is Molveno.


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With a population of 1,138, Molveno is a resort town is a hikers and mountaineers, destination. Again the Brenta Group of mountains show in the background.  In reality Molveno is the boundary on the east side of the scenery, but you can still head north and as can connect up with the Casies Valley.


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You do lose the custom ground textures past Molveno and the custom objects as you are now going back into X-Plane default territory, but I have ShortFinal's Global plugin working and the Italian autogen continues on the communes and villages of the valley, the transition actually works out quite well, certainly nowhere as good as the custom placed objects obviously, but it does work well in context.


Andalo, Maso Milano are the first points going north, and just past Maso Milano there is a valley connecting to the right and this is the only route through from the Casies Valley...


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The point of this exercise is that if you want to approach the important aspect of the Brenta scenery from the north from the other Dolomite packages then this is the only route you would or can take, and you would go north and follow the communes of Denno, Pavillo until you reach the Lago di Santa Giustina.


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You then are going to flip around the northern end of the Brenta Group range to go down the western Val di Sole (Sole Valley)...


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... The Sole Valley is not bland or boring at all, but again the ShortFinal's Global plugin does make a significant difference here. At Dimaro there is a tight spur valley to the left, it is extremely hard not to fly straight on and miss it....


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....  the valley is lush but also tightens up as the elevation gets higher, so you have to go up and climb over... but you are on the right route.


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At near the top of the elevation is Campo Carlo Magno, and you notice that the custom scenery is again in vogue, and high to the left are now again the peaks of the Brenta Group.


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Over the ridge and below is Madonna di Campiglio, which is a major ski resort. Madonna is the main point of access to the Brenta Dolomites, with its famous via ferrata, with the ski lift to the Passo Groste taking one directly to the northern end of the via ferrata network. The ski area around Madonna has 57 lifts and 150 km (93 mi) of ski runs, with a capacity of more than 31,000 people per hour, rises to 2,600 m (8,530 ft), has 50,000 m2 (12 acres) of snow park.


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Once past Madonna di Campiglio then to the left you get the full breakout view of the Brenta Group.


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Brenta Group

The Brenta Group consists of three sectors in the Southern Sector, comprising the Tosa massif, the Ambiez chain and the subgroups of Vallon, Fracingli, Ghez. The Central Sector, comprising the Sfulmini chain and the Cima Brenta massif as well as the subgroups of Monte Daino, Gaiarda/Altissimo and Grostè. And the Northern Sector comprising the Northern chain and the subgroup of La Campa.


Southern Sector

Significant peaks right to left is Cima d’Ambiéz (3102m) the range set behind, Cima Tosa (1,521m) and the Crozzon di Brenta (3,135m) are all presented here.


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The face of the Crozzon di Brenta is the highlight of this scenery package... and it is extremely well done.


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For the construction of these expensive 3D models of Dolomites then DEM data were used and further corrected with 3D graphics programs. Subsequently the High-Definition textures were applied in 4K resolution, obtained from high definition photos. The positioning on the modified meshes is very accurate, respecting the dimensions and main morphological characteristics of terrain.


Central Sector

The central sector has the Sfulmini chain, Campanile Basso (2,883m), Cima Brenta Alta (2960m), Campanile Alto (2936m) and the Torre di Brenta (3,014m) that make up the most Dolomiti style formations of the Brenta Group, all are tall needle or tower shaped rocks, they are also the most inviting to climb.


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Northern Sector

The Northern Group is really two groups or main (west) and the smaller La Campa (northwest). First group consists of Cima Mandron (3040m), Cima Brenta (3,150m), Bocca del Tuckett (2648m) and Cima Sella (2919m).


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La Campa has La Cima Falkner (2999m) in the center; on its left is Cima Grostè (2,901m).


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Directly in front of the Brenta Group is our final destination in the HELDS  H-Pad at the Refuge Dos Sabion. The start back at Pinzolo is now just slightly south further down the Rendena Valley.


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Overall lighting is not the main aspect of these sceneries...  there is lighting of course, but it is mainly just housing (window) and the odd street lamps to create an alpine village feel, but in this package there quite a bit of it, so every major valley is lit...  Overall it looks quite authentic at night and works very nicely in recreating the valley effect, odd buildings or the main significant custom scenery objects and the many football (Soccer) fields are also well lit in the scenery.


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ICAO Noted Airports and H Pads

There is one airport and 6 H Pads in the scenery, and provided are:


  • XLIPN - Airport - 46.1412447 010.7634422 PINZOLO
  • HELMV HELIPAD - 46.1387412 010.9631447 MOLVENO
  • HELTI HELIPAD - 46.0437433 010.7252189 HOSPITAL TIONE
  • HELCA HELIPORT - 46.2193837 010.8221709 MADONNA CAMPIGLIO
  • HELN HELIPAD - 46.2229214 010.8471456 MONTE SPINALE
  • HELDS HELIPAD - 46.1670591 010.8078064 DOS SABION
  • HBRT HELIPAD - 46.1725133 010.8758617 REF.BRENTEI



As noted in the review, XLIPN is central of Pinzolo, but the approaches are quite clean, and the grass runway is looong.


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HELMV – H - Heliport - MOLVENO

Situated right on the lake it is a very pleasant place to have a break and take a look around at the lake and scenery behind. Approaches are very good.


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H Pad is situated by the Hospital at Tione. Well done and the approaches are nice and clean, the feature wall is well done as well.


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An odd looking structure at Madonna di Campiglio, but an interesting place to land...  the full name is also interesting "Vigili del Fuoco Volontari Madonna di Campiglio"....  and it is a real structure and the main destination for helicopter transfers in the Brenta area.


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A Pad set at altitude on Monte Spinale, set just to the north of the Brenta Group. There are a lot of ski lift cables on the north approach to be careful of...


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Situated directly in front of the Southern Sector of the Brenta Group, it is a great destination pad at the Rifugio, it is well done as well. Watch out for the high winds though, they can make hovering tricky in the open at this altitude.


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HBRT – H - Helipad - REF.BRENTEI

Situated deep in the valley between in front of the Crozzon di Brenta and Sfulmini chain, then the Rifugio Brentei (2182m) can be hard to find, but the experience is worth it with a nice stone memorial to look at.


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This is the fifth and final of five sceneries from Frank Dainese and Fabio Bellini that cover the Dolomite Mountain Ranges in the eastern north of Italy. This new area covers the western, western area in the Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol region of the Brenta Group of mountains, this scenery unlike the other packages in Western Dolomites, Belluno- Southern Dolomites and the Cortina - Cadore region packages and the first package of the Drei Zinnen National Park has certainly become an enormous project of a scale not seen before in X-Plane before


Areas recreated in this Brenta package includes 800 sq. Km, with the villages/communes of Madonna Campiglio, Pinzolo, Caderzone, Tione, Molveno, Stenico, Comano with over 14,000 custom buildings positioned. All the Brenta Group ranges include  3D models of Crozzon di Brenta, Cima Tosa, Campanile basso, Sfulmini, Brenta Alta, Cima Mandron, Cima Brenta , Bocca del Tuckett and Cima Sella.


All the numerous mountains and glaciers are all very highly created mesh from DEM data 3D graphics programs, and the Hi-Res textures are all in 4K resolution. The focus mountains are simply excellent in their 3D reproductions and the highlights are Cima d’Ambiéz, Cima Tosa, Cima Brenta Alta, Campanile Alto, Cima Falkner and the sensational Crozzon di Brenta. A note is that the other packages in this series are not required to run this scenery and it could be regarded as a standalone


These excellent representations of iconic mountain areas of the world are for exploration, sightseeing or just plain exploring...  and you could throw in a bit of geography as well. All are very highly detailed of the areas they represent and the mountain ranges are of course the stars and the focal point.


Over the first half of 2020 I have explored through these amazing Dolomite packages a world renowned. It is over the five reviews it became a really huge signicant area to explore and experience, for me it has been a huge experience just cover the project in it's full and sheer size


Hugely popular and yes I love these amazing and hugely detailed and now extensive sceneries that can change your perspective of iconic mountain areas and allow them to come to life in your simulation world...   Highly recommended, so all done and Dolomite explored!



X-Plane Store logo sm.jpg


Yes! Brenta Dolomites 3D by Frank Dainese and Fabio Bellini is NOW available from the X-Plane.Org Store here :


Brenta Dolomites 3D


Price Is US$22.95


Customer who already own Dolomites 3D - Drei Zinnen Park, Cortina, Belluno, Western can get this new scenery for $5 off. Please go to the original invoice for coupon code



  • 800 sq. Km
  • Pinzolo Airfield(XLIPN) with14 Heliports in strategic sites. 
  • Many villages: Madonna Campiglio, Pinzolo, Caderzone, Tione, Molveno, Stenico, Comano.. Over 14,000 buildings positioned, with many buildings rebuilt.
  • All  3D models Brenta groups: Crozzon, Cima Tosa, Campanile basso, Sfulmini, Brenta Alta ...
  • All the vegetation mapped
  • Inserted hundreds of polygons / textures to reproduce the photo-realistic terrain
  • Reproduced the main lift-plants, in particular the Madonna di Campiglio...
  • Reproduced all the main refuges in the area: Brentei, Tuckett, Alimonta, Agostini, Pedrotti, Grostè. ...
  • The fifth part isn't connect with others parts of Dolomites.


WT3/Traffic Global: Your joking of course! no, you are on your own here



X-Plane 11 

Windows, Mac or Linux
4GB VRAM Minimum - 8GB+ VRAM Recommended
Download Size: 630MB
Release and Review version 1.0 (4th September 2020)
Download scenery file size is download 630mb and with the full installation installed in your custom scenery folder as there are Twenty One install folders in the order below in the .INI File (included and the listing below also includes the Drei Zinnen/Cortina/Belluno/Western packs). The "Dolomiti2_lib"  library is not required if you already have it installed.
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/D1A_DOLOMITI_3D_Part1/
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/D1C_CableWay_Dolomitti1/
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/D1D_PUSTERIA_Comelico/
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/D1F_AURONZO/
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/D2A_DOLOMITI_3d_Part2/
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/D2C_CableWay_Dolomiti2/
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/D2D_CORTINA/
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/D2E_CADORE/
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/D3A_DOLOMITI_3D_Part3/
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/D3B_CableWay_Dolomiti3/
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/D3D_BELLUNO_Piave/
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/D3G_Zoldana_Fiorentina/
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/D4A_DOLOMITI_3D_Part4/
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/D4B_CableWay_Dolomiti4/
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/D4C_VAL_BADIA/
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/D4E_FASSA/
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/D4F_GARDENA/
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/D4J_VAL_FUNES/
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/D4K_RENON/
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/D4L_VAL_DEGA/
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/D4M_LocherAirfield/
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/D1G_Exclusions/
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/D2G_Exclusions/
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/D3H_Exclusions/
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/D4N_Exclusions/
  • D5B_CableWay_Dolomiti5
  • D5A_DOLOMITI_3D_Part5
  • SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Dolomiti2_lib/


Total scenery installation (Brenta) : 646mb


The ShortFinal Global SFD plugin is highly recommended with this scenery.



One manual with notes



Scenery Review by Stephen Dutton

12th September 2020

Copyright©2020 : X-Plane Reviews 


(Disclaimer. All images and text in this review are the work and property of X-PlaneReviews, no sharing or copy of the content is allowed without consent from the author as per copyright conditions)


Review System Specifications:

Computer System: Windows  - Intel Core i7 6700K CPU 4.00GHz / 64bit - 32 Gb single 1067 Mhz DDR4 2133 - ASUS GeForce GTX 1080 8Gb - Samsung Evo 512gb SSD 

Software:   - Windows 10 - X-Plane 11.41 and tested in v11.50b15 (fine)

Addons: Saitek x52 Pro system Joystick and Throttle : Sound - Bose  Soundlink Mini 

Plugins: Global SFD plugin US$30.00

Scenery or Aircraft

-  Bell 407 XP11 by Dreamfoil (X-Plane.OrgStore) - US$35.00


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