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X-Plane Fan
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Everything posted by virtualgaa

  1. I decided to do something similar, today (6, Feb). Uncanny, right? I renamed my X-plane 12 folder and downloaded a 2nd copy to the original location: E:\X-Plane 12. My initial goal was to rebuild the sim over time, as I've done in XP11, once. However, I wanted to make sure I had all my preferences and profiles available so that I could drag stuff over to save time. That didn't work. I should mention that I was compelled to perform these steps. My last flight ended in a CTD 3/4 into a 2-hour flight. Arggh! I'd had enough and was tired of these seemingly random CTDs in 12.9.x. After spending a bunch of time working I get the feeling that I wasted my time. In my haste, I wound up dragging my Aircraft folder, Custom Scerney folder, and Plugin folder, as well as parts of my Preferences folder back to the new install. Thus, I didn't actually fix anything and am still getting CTDs occasionally. I did, however, delete a bunch of plugins I rarely use. Log.txt and Log_ATC.txt do not provide a consistent cause of the CTDs. I'm hoping that 12.10 will fix my sim. If not, I'll have to roll-up my sleeves and rebuild everything from scratch. Thanks for your post. I'm right there with you.
  2. Excellent recap. It's been my experience that the SOTU focuses a lot on aspirations. Sadly, I didn't see a lot there in this article. Nevertheless, I agree that XP12 needs that umph to re-attract the 'punters.' Even if the punters never return, a new generation of simaviators will discover X-Plane. Compared to its direct competitor, Laminar Research will not become a "Netscape browser" story.
  3. This scenery package is the truest render of KRDU for X-Plane I've seen. However, a few tweaks would be helpful. The default runway need to be changed from the short GA/Mil to the 10000ft 5L-23R runway. Also, one of my GA buildings appear to float. Finally, some of the raised runway/taxiway lighting is on the runway/taxiway. I hope Departure Designs will circle back and fix these issues - after all, it is payware.
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