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Aircraft Release : Cessna C177/RG Cardinal II by Alabeo


Alabeo have released the Cessna Cardinal II and the aircraft comes in two variants. You have the standard fixed wheeled variant and the RG, which is the Retractable Gear variant.




The Cessna 177 Cardinal is a light single-engined, high-wing general aviation aircraft that was intended to replace Cessna's 172 Skyhawk. First announced in 1967, it was produced from 1968 to 1978. One of the design goals of this 172 replacement was to allow the pilot an unobstructed view when making a turn. In the 172 the pilot sits under the wing and when the wing is lowered to begin a turn that wing blocks the pilot's view of where the turn will lead to. The engineers resolved this problem by placing the pilot forward of the wing's leading edge, but that led to a too-far-forward center of gravity. This problem was partially counteracted by the decision to use the significantly lighter Lycoming O-320 four-cylinder engine in place of the six-cylinder O-300 Continental used on the 172. The forward CG situation still existed even with the lighter engine, so a stabilator was chosen, to provide sufficient elevator control authority at low airspeeds. The 177 design was intended to be a replacement for the 172, which was to be discontinued after introduction of the new aircraft. The new design was originally to be called the 172J (to follow the 1968 model 172I). However, as the time came to make the transition, there was considerable resistance to the replacement of the 172 from the company's Marketing Division. (wikipedia)




Overall the C177 is a fairly basic aircraft, but Alabeo have provided a selection of very good options and features.


    2 Cardinal II models: C177B (fixed gear) and C177RG (retractable gear)

    Default X-Plane 10 GNS530

    HD Textures (416 pixel/meter)

    High quality 3D model and textures.

    Own sound system containing more than 20 sounds recorded from the real aircraft.

    Blank texture for creating your own designs.

    Accurately reproduced flight characteristics

    Simple user interface

    Realistic Systems simulations.

    64-bit compatible - FPS-optimized model.

    Setup Menu - Easy livery selection.

    Easy B/RG model selection.

    Camera Presets.

    Easy Field of view slider, now with scroll wheel support.

    Easy Volume control including MUTE selection, also with scroll wheel support.

    Realistic Cockpit reflections

    SuperManipulator (Scroll, click, click-hold, click-drag vertically for fast changes, click-drag horizontally for fine tuning)

    Passenger shows/hides depending on weigh




With the different variants you also get different coloured interiors...  With a beige colour and dark green.




Ground options are also well provided with great animations...





Provided is:


Model C177B fixed gear


    5 hd liveries + blank texture

    Normal and Emergency procedures PDF

    Performance tables PDF


Model C177RG retractable gear


    3 hd liveries + blank texture

    Normal and Emergency procedures PDF

    Performance tables PDF




The aircraft comes with the usual Alabeo quality and excellent flying characteristics....



Cessna C177/RG Cardinal II by Alabeo is now available from the New X-Plane.Org Store here : C177/RG Cardinal II and is priced at only US$28.95



Windows XP-Vista-7-8 (or higher) or MAC OS 10.6 (or higher) or Linux
X-Plane 10.30 (or higher)
4GB RAM - 1GB Video card
335MB available hard disk space

Release by Stephen Dutton


X-Plane Reviews - 8th June 2015


Copyright©2015: X-Plane Reviews



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