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WebFMC v1.4.0 Header.jpg


Plugin Update : WebFMC Pro v1.4.0 by Green Arc Studios


This is an update review that is the Green Arc Studios WebFMC v1.3.0 review, but adjusted to v1.4.0 because for one the v1.3.0 review did not include the SSG Boeing 747-8 Series (the plugin was updated, but the v1.9.2 of the aircraft had not been released) and the v1.4.0 is in quick succession to the earlier update just a few weeks ago, in other words both or all the update details have been brought together in one place. So yes a lot is familiar here, but with some new details added in as well.


More, more and even more additions are now available to the Green Arc Studios excellent WebFMC, that allows you use the pop-out FMC in any computer, tablet or gadget that runs an internet browser. This is version v1.4.0 and the additions this time are the trio of SSG (Supercritical Simulations Group) E-Jets Evolution Series (E-170/E-195) and their Boeing 747-8 Series, FlightFactor A350 XWB Advanced (old style MCDU) and the addition of the ZiboMod Boeing 737-700 of which it is active on both the WebFMC Pro and the WebFMC demo plugin versions.


The complete Pro list available is now:


  • ●  A320 Ultimate by FlightFactor

  • ●  A350 XWB Advanced by FlightFactor

  • ●  B757v2 by FlightFactor (all variants; requires 757 v2.2.13+)

  • ●  B767 by FlightFactor (all variants; requires 767 v1.2.6+)

  • ●  737-300 by IXEG

  • ●  A319 by ToLiss

  • ●  MD-80 by Rotate (requires MD-80 v1.42+)

  • ●  A320 by Jar Design

  • ●  A330 by Jar Design (requires JD330 v3.1r2+)

  • ●  Embraer E170 by SSG

  • ●  Embraer E195 by SSG

  • ●  Boeing 747-8 by SSG (VMAX) - all variants

  • ●  EADT x737 (all variants), requires x737UFMC.

  • ●  737-800 Zibo Mod

  • ●  737-900U Ultimate

  • ●  737-700U Ultimate



Noted Zibo Mod 737-800 and the 737-900ER/700 Ultimate are also available on the free demo version of the plugin available here on the X-Plane.Org:


WebFMC 1.4.0


Full details on how the WebFMC plugin is installed and how it works is set out in the original review: Plugin Review : WebFMC Pro by Green Arc Studios


Supercritical Simulations Group

E-Jet Evolution Series E-170/E-195 v1.3 by Supercritical Simulations Group is a great addition to the WebFMC portfolio. These FMS units are from Javier Cortes (FJCC) and not directly from SSG, Javier's FMS units have been around for years and notably in the x737 installation...   Note the layout is exactly the same in either aircraft. The latest E-Jet Series version 1.3 is required to use WebFMC Pro.


The computer based WebFMC is shown on the right and the internal FMS is shown on the left, the Chrome browser is the recommended browser for WebFMC Pro.


SSG E195 Head 1.jpgSSG E195 Head SSG 1.jpg


Again the facia FMS plate is a replica of the original Honeywell unit, although with a shorter facia on the WebFMC version, it is also the correct facia plate on the E-Jet aircraft, and it can be set in "Dirty" or "Clean" modes.


SSG E195 Head RTE 1.jpgSSG E195 Head RTE SSG 1.jpg


I personally use the WebFMC to set out the route and input the performance data. So I use SimBrief (Route Creation) and Navigraph (Charts) to build up the routes. By using the WebFMC as you can see I can have all the route information and chart information ready at hand for input and direct keyboard access for inputting data and route info. Yes you can do the same within the cockpit with the popup...  but you will also be turning your head consistently to gather the info on another (computer) screen, I find this system far quicker in creating the flight data.


SSG E195 Head RTE 2.jpgSSG E195 Head RTE SSG 2.jpg


The Boeing 748i Series

The update v1.9.2 is required to use the WebFMC Pro in the SSG Boeing 747-8 Series, This version release is the last for this early design until it will be replaced by v2.0 later in the year, but the transition to the new v2 version, should not affect the plug-in or the installation, in other words it is future proof on this aircraft, because I doubt this FMS system and installation will be changed for the v2, if at all...


SSG_B748-UP 1.9_Head 1 LG.jpgSSG_B748-UP 1.9_Head 2.jpgSSG_B748-UP 1.9_Head 3.jpg


The internal cockpit facia of the SSG B747-8 FMS is a bit squished to fit, but the new plate facia on the WebFMC is full size. It looks very good and can be set in "Dirty" or "Clean" modes.


SSG_748F_Panel_xFMC 1.jpgSSG_748_192_xFMC 1.jpg


The Javier Cortes version of the FMS in the B747-8 Series is now far more better since last year's v1.9.1 version update, and again this was re-enforced by the easy programming in v1.9.2 of the route...  DEP RWY/SID and ARR RWY/STAR and route waypoints (AIRWAYS) was excellent...


SSG_748F_Panel_xFMC 2.jpgSSG_748_192_xFMC 2.jpg


....  then the ultimate test is in the editing the route. I wanted to reedit the arrival pattern as with the selected IRBI4A STAR into EDDM's RWY 26L as it is very tight, and fine for say a B737 or A320, but too tight an entry for a large heavy like the B748F, so I used the RNAV approach BETOS 26 to reset the approach waypoints...  With SimBrief and Navigraph charts and the external WebFMC Pro it is very good for doing FMC editing and route programming....


SSG_748F_Panel_xFMC 3.jpgSSG_748_192_xFMC 3.jpg


....  more importantly the FMS reedited the approach data perfectly and it is in these areas that I look for the standard of quality in these Flight Management Systems, if it works correctly it is first realistic, but also saves you time (and frustration) in setting out the routing, and yes I was impressed.


I was looking forward to the SSG Boeing 747-8 installation on WebFMC because if you fly long haul.... I mean long, long hours in the air then interaction with the FMC is a nice way to pass the time, okay you could call it fiddling around, but the movement of the aircraft across the globe and the return data to be cross referenced via SimBrief and Navigraph route maps is very professional in the way you manage the flight, fuel loads and weight...  in other words it is a very authentic simulation. And now it is here and I found that the WebFMC really shines with this installation just like I expected.


FlightFactor A350 XWB Advanced

The installation in the FlightFactor A350 XWB is a bit different to the usual in the aircraft facia to WebFMC facia installation. FlightFactor's Version v1.5.1 is again required to use WebFMC Pro.


A350_xp11_Head 1.jpgA350_xp11_Head 2.jpg


The facia layout in the FlightFactor A350 is not the front MFD (Multi-Functional Display) FMS, but the rear pedestal unit and pop-up panel....    as WebFMC Pro uses the ToLiSS A319 facia panel (and pop-out) for the input of route data and performance details. A lot of the data is reflected in the MFD version, but a lot is not.


FF A350 WebFMC 1.jpgA350_xp11_ToLiSS RTE 1.jpg

FF A350 RTE 1.jpg


To the diehards then such a difference in authenticity may grind a little, but there are currently several reasons for this. One the current MFD A350 FMS is not the full monty anyway, as it is hybrid FMS system that combines several different elements to replicate the actual A350 FMS and MCDU.


As we shall see in that using the A319 layout you can input more data and more easier than the hybrid version. Secondly the rumors are swarming around that the next A350 XWB XP11 will have a full and complete "Study" system of the A350 FMS? Green Arc Studios have noted that if such a system is created then the WebFMC version will follow the study grade pathway...  in other words this A 319 panel version is just a temporary solution to the several problematic areas of the A350 FMS.


V2 FF 350_WebFMC 2.jpgV2 FF 350_Toliss 2.jpg


If you know your way around the A319 FMS then this will come as breeze to to do but the systems are not perfectly in alignment. The MFD A350 version was always a bit complex in what areas (boxes) to fill in or not or which were the active segments? This version is still also problematic compared with the A319 as well as you can't use SID/STARs either when building up a flightplan? Annoying well yes, certainly for a commercial service airliner of this category.


V2 FF 350_WebFMC 3.jpgV2 FF 350_Toliss 3.jpg


There are two ways to get around this, one is to use a Python A350 SID/STAR Script to create the SID/STAR's but it is messy with the extra use the "SimpleFMC"... too messy for me. There is another way and it uses SimBrief...  create your flightplan in the Briefing tool and then download the .FMS file, and the trick is in using the XP10 version and not the XP11 .FMS version (you would actually think it would be the other way around? but the FF A350 uses the older GNS340 as it's data source) and load in that .FMS file and that will give you the selected SID and STAR waypoints. It is still slightly messy because you are locked into a certain SID or STAR and can't change any SID or STAR before or in mid-flight...


V2 FF 350_WebFMC SIDSTAR 4.jpgV2 FF 350_WebFMC SIDSTAR 5.jpg


....  at least you do get access to the SID and STAR routing, for which here at LEBL (Barcelona) the departure RWY 02 SID to MOPAS (MOPA1A) is quite complex... note to add in the DEP runway and ARR runway directly into the WebFMC Pro as it is required and not included in the .FMS flightplan noted here is the DEP runway of 02.


V2 FF 350_WebFMC SIDSTAR 8.jpgV2 FF 350_WebFMC SIDSTAR 6.jpg


Loading in or laying out the flightplan is far easier with the WebFMC Pro, but there is the point to be made in that unlike usually in using the WebFMC in that it not always mirrors the changes on the internal aircraft FMS, With the A350 setup you have to select the same page to see the information installed.


Notable notes though in that to see (or scroll) through the flightplan in the MAP display you can only do that with the MFD flightplan cursors...


V2 FF 350_MFD 4.jpg


...   or inputting or building the route then WebFMC works fine and is actually an advantage. But for other settings like PERF (Performance) T/O - CLB (Climb) - CRZ (Cruise) - DES (Descent) and APPR (Approach) then some areas co-ordinate but a lot of areas don't, so you have to fill in both WebFMC and the onboard FMS...  This is not really a WebFMC issue as the FlightFactor's own A350 XWB system is not only confusing, but differential in the fact of what you input in on the OIS - On-Board Information System then is generally not reflected or accepted on the FMS either? Inputting SimBrief route and weight data is not also comparative either like with passenger load and fuel loads are either over estimates or not exact in numbers to do a comparative flight to the SimBrief flight plan....  it is all very messy.


FF A350 WebFMC 4.jpgFF A350 RTE 4.jpg


It is obviously annoying to have to fill in both the ToLiSS (WebFMC) FMS and the MFD versions separately? But it helps to match them up correctly...


In flight the system works well...   Following the flight plan and SID charts can be done with the WebFMC, while the ToLiSS pop-up mirror can be used in the cockpit, all flightplan date is also reflected on the MFD flightplan and data (arrowed left).


FF A350 Flight WebFMC 1.jpgFF A350 Flight MFD 1.jpg


Enroute I like all the route data handy and WebFMC is very good here in following the route data via SimBrief and Navigraph Charts.


FF A350 Flight WebFMC 2.jpgFF A350 Flight 2.jpg


In simulation today you have a huge amount of data available to you (admittedly at a cost of subscriptions), but the detail helps and makes even the FlightFactor A350 as compromised it is in it's current form still a worthy simulation.


FF A350 Flight Final.jpg


ZiboMod Boeing 737-700 Ultimate

From the start of the WebFMC release the plugin has supported for free the ZiboMod Boeing 737 Series as a sort of demo for the Pro version. Support that was free originally was for the B737-800 (the original ZiboMod B737), but added since is the Ultimate versions in the B737-900 U and now with this WebFMC 1.4.0 update the Boeing 737-700 U version.


B737-7_Head 1.jpgB737-7_Head 2.jpg


First reaction would be that the ZiboMod FMS system would be just a variation of Laminar Research FMS, as originally this is what the ZiboMod actually is in taking the default Boeing 737 -800 that come free and with X-Plane11 and MODifiying the aircraft. But like the ZiboMod itself the FMS in these series of aircraft are very far removed from the default B738 aircraft.... so with this depth of route and performance data to go into the FMC then the WebFMC is a big asset in programming the aircraft correctly...    The facia plate is excellent, dirty and worn (again the clean version is available).


B737-7_Zibo 1.jpgB737-7_1.jpg


The WebFMC is a big bonus here as the FMC panel in the ZiboMod 737's don't yet pop-out? (correct me if I am wrong, but I can't get the panel to pop-out?).


Programming the route is extremely impressive with the WebFMC, as again is the use of SimBrief and Navigraph charts which are very immersive into helping out in the process...




....  tricky here was the arrival in KDFW (Dallas Fort-Worth). The STAR BEREE 1 into Dallas 36L which is a bit messy with just some (or mostly) vectors, so I again readjusted the arrival route with the RNAV RWY 36L approach charts which worked well. VECTORS are ATC directions, but in FMC's they tend to cause route issues because in reality they are blanks, so I usually replace them with waypoints. Certainly VECTORS will work well if you do online ATC.




Enroute the WebFMC was highly impressive to use and follow the DL1890 Flightplan...


B737-7_Zibo 4.jpgB737-7_Zibo 5.jpgB737-7_7.jpg


The bonus here is that the WebFMC version for the Boeing 737-700 ultimate is free, so you can try it out to it's full capacity as there are no restrictions with using the plugin to it's full capacity... obviously the Pro version is more highly versatile, but you will get the full aspect of on how good the tool is.


You can download all three Zibo/Ultimate Boeing 737-700/800/900 versions here at Threshold  The free WebFMC plugin link is listed below.


WebFMC Pro v1.4.0 other update notes are:


  • Updated all 3rd party libraries to their latest stable versions (client UI, plugin).
  • Fixed a bug where AI aircraft could trigger internal re-initialization of WebFMC.
  • Other minor bugfixes.



This is another update to the excellent WebFMC Pro, this is a plugin that can be used in a browser on another computer or a tablet. It is a remote tool, but a very beneficial and even a powerful one in programming in route and performance data and following the set aircraft route in flight in mirroring the aircraft's built in FMS (Flight Management System).


This update adds in more aircraft FMS's to cover the Supercritical Simulations Group (SSG) E-Jets Evolution Series (E-170/E-195) and their Boeing 748 Series (v1.9.2), the FlightFactor A350 XWB Advanced (old style MCDU) and the added ZiboMod/Ultimate Boeing 737-700


The WebFMC Pro FMS list available is now listed as an impressive 16 aircraft, but three in the list of the Zibo Mod 737-800 and the 737-900ER/700 Ultimate are also available in the Free Demo version.


All WebFMC Pro facias work very well and are mostly authentic to the real aircraft's facia plates, but the FlightFactor's A350 XWB layout is slightly more complicated and not as study grade as most of the other units here, so currently it uses the ToLiSS FMS system to do the work, that FMS panel is a situated on the aircraft's rear pedestal.


The WebFMC Pro is an excellent tool all round and one plugin I use consistently during FMS setup and route flying and now covers a broad list of available aircraft and their various FMS - Flight Management Systems, It is an invaluable tool for my simulation flying...   Highly Recommended




X-Plane Store logo sm.jpg


Yes! WebFMC Pro v1.4.0 by Green Arc Studios is NOW available from the X-Plane.Org Store here :

WebFMC Pro


Price is US$19.99


The v1.4.0 update is free to previous purchasers of the plugin, go to your X-Plane.OrgStore account for the new version.


Quick and easy access to the FMC
Get easy access to the FMC: quickly edit the flightplan, monitor flight progress, set up your approach and do all the typical work of the pilot without having to move around in the cockpit, even if the plane doesn’t support FMC as a popup natively - on the same PC, or different monitor, tablet or phone - in fact you can use multiple displays at the same time!
Make pilot tasks easy and comfortable
Enjoy external views during cruise while monitoring flight progress on separate screen or take a quick look at your phone to verify calculated landing speed with just a glimpse of an eye during busy time on approach. Make flying complex SIDs / STARs easy as you can focus on the important flight parameters while having overview of the constraints all the time. Take your mobile to the kitchen as you cook a dinner during a long haul and never miss T/D again!
Convenient to use
Use physical keyboards on PC with extra keys such as Prev/Next page mapped to keyboard keys for easy access. WebFMC scales dynamically to fit any display or window size and can look as native app on mobiles by using browser's "Add to home screen" feature.
Aircraft support
WebFMC Pro supports growing number of 3rd party aircraft starting with 



  • ●  A320 Ultimate by FlightFactor

  • ●  A350 XWB Advanced by FlightFactor

  • ●  B757v2 by FlightFactor (all variants; requires 757 v2.2.13+)

  • ●  B767 by FlightFactor (all variants; requires 767 v1.2.6+)

  • ●  737-300 by IXEG

  • ●  A319 by ToLiss

  • ●  MD-80 by Rotate (requires MD-80 v1.42+)

  • ●  A320 by Jar Design

  • ●  A330 by Jar Design (requires JD330 v3.1r2+)

  • ●  Embraer E170 by SSG

  • ●  Embraer E195 by SSG

  • ●  Boeing 747-8 by SSG (VMAX) - all variants

  • ●  EADT x737 (all variants), requires x737UFMC.

  • ●  737-800 Zibo Mod*

  • ●  737-900U Ultimate*

  • ●  737-700U Ultimate*

* Available on the free demo WebFMC plugin


    The WebFMC plugin requires X-Plane 11 running
    • 64-bit Windows 7 operating system or newer
    • Mac OS 10.14.x (Mojave)
    • Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS or 18.04 LTS (64-bit)  
    Web Client
    The CDU can be displayed on any modern and up-to-date web browser with JavaScript support.
    We recommend the latest versions of Google Chrome on PC or Android and Safari on iOS. 
    No internet connection required, remote device needs to be on the same local network as X-Plane PC. 
    Support for WebSockets RFC 6455 standard is required which implies at least iOS version 6. 
    Current and Review version: 1.4.0 (May 21st 2019)
    Current SSG E-Jet Evolution Series E170/E195 v1.3, Boeing 747-8 Series v1.9.2 and FlightFactor A350 XWB v1.5.1 are required for the use of this plugin




    Plugin Update Review by Stephen Dutton

    15th May 2019

    Copyright©2019 : X-Plane Reviews


    (Disclaimer. All images and text in this review are the work and property of X-PlaneReviews, no sharing or copy of the content is allowed without consent from the author as per copyright conditions)


    Review System Specifications:

    Computer System: Windows  - Intel Core i7 6700K CPU 4.00GHz / 64bit - 16 Gb single 1067 Mhz DDR4 2133 - ASUS GeForce GTX 1080 8Gb - Samsung Evo 512gb SSD 

    Software:   - Windows 10 - X-Plane 11.33

    Addons: Saitek x56 Rhino Pro system Joystick and Throttle : Sound - Bose  Soundlink Mini : SimBrief (Free) : Navigraph Charts (Subscription)

    Plugins: Environment Engine by xEnviro v1.07 US$69.90 : WorldTraffic 3.0 Plugin - US$29.95 : BetterPushBack - Free : JarDesign Ground Handling Deluxe - US$14.95

    Scenery or Aircraft

    - E-Jet Evolution Series (E170/E195) by Supercritical Simulations Group (X-Plane.OrgStore) - US$54.95

    - Boeing 747-8 Series by Supercritical Simulations Group (X-Plane.OrgStore) - US$55.00

    - Airbus A350 XWB Advanced by FlightFactor (X-Plane.OrgStore) - US$49.95
    - ZiboMod/Ultimate Boeing 737-700 (Threshold) - Free

    Logo Header X-PlaneReviews 200px.jpg


    • 2 months later...

    Hi there.

    I have the Pro version of WebFMC, & like to fly the X-Crafts version of the Embraer E175, in X-Plane 11.

    Is there a way that I can modify the configeration file to suite this aircraft.

    Many thanks.



    I really don't think that will happen. The X-Craft's aircraft use a hybrid Custom TEKTON FMS system, that is really hard to duplicate in the plugin application, it would be nice of course, but the setup is just too difficult to convert.


    WebFMC dev here.. Adding support for new aircraft requires new code to be written in WebFMC, so it's a case-by-case work that we do,  it is never just a configuration,  so no, you can't do that. Tekton FMC will not be supported by WebFMC, however we will soon add support for the default X-Plane FMC (it is now possible with X-Plane 11.35+, thanks to new changes made by Laminar). With that, WebFMC will support whole range of aircraft that use default FMC; this includes X-Crafts' "backup" FMC (so you won't be able to operate TektonFMC, but you will be able to use the second FMC).

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