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  1. Excellent Steven, I agree with your points, and improving the default scenery is now the most important thing I want to see. I have noticed it looking much better at altitude than before, so I have noticed the progress you talk about. For me, using Orbx UK XP12 version, or auto ortho with X-world were a revelation, though the load times for the Orbx are quite long. I generally test my mods at RAF Lossiemouth, but the default scenery around there is truly awful. MSFS though initially took my breath away, at certain altitudes, like you said, about 1,000 to 2,000ft doesn't look that good to me, it certainly isn't a perfect solution. Thanks for informing us that there may be light at the end of the tunnel for Xplane scenery. Al
  2. Thanks for this excellent review, I would never have noticed this scenery otherwise. Thanks also to Dom for putting it in the news letter. The detailing looks very good, and it will make a nice addition to my other Hawaii sceneries and orthos.
  3. Wow, an excellent review of an excellent helicopter. Now I see what a special bird this is, and I'll be adding it to my X-Trident collection.
  4. Thanks for this excellent review, the pictures are stunning, and show the aircraft is as good as the best on any platform. Great info on the flight model and the sounds. I might pick it up on the strength of this review.
  5. Thanks Stephen for this review of the year, always informative and a good read. As a freeware developer, I almost gave up when XP12 came out, with yet more things needing to be learnt, it is a bottomless pit anyway, but at least others showed the way for us, like rain fx, working wipers, new data refs needed for undercarriage doors, but I felt it was worth it for the better lighting and visuals over XP11. Al
  6. Thanks Steven for this excellent review of a quite odd Xplane craft. It sounds like a good and fun challenge.
  7. Thanks for this excellent, and fair review.
  8. An excellent review of the first year of Xplane 12 Stephen. Some great information too, as we punters never realise quite what's involved before we start whining. I use XP12 / MSFS and DCS, and know the strengths and weaknesses of them all, but I see in future Xplane and MSFS getting closer to each other in terms of what they offer, as MSFS works on improving the flight model, while Xplane works on improving ground visuals more.
  9. Excellent review Sean, I would agree with your comments about the high visual and sound quality, and also the flight models which are very refined, especially when transitioning from hover to forward flight and back. I have yet to fly the Spherescram, but will heed your advice with it when I do. Al
  10. An excellent review, with some very well taken photographs, which give a thorough idea of what this package looks like in the sim. It comes in at a bargain price too, I like it.
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