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  1. Aircraft Upgrade : Boeing 757 Pro Avionics FPDS by FlightFactor/SteptoSky Although nice in retrospect, the Boeing 757 by FlightFactor/SteptoSky has the older CRT/Clockwork dial cockpit, it does look excellent and it is also certainly a very authentic way to fly the original B757. But in reality most of the surviving Boeing 757's flying out out there on the cargo or passenger route airways have left this older analog world now far behind years ago. Any late built Boeing 757 have usually now however a conversion of the avionics to the IS&S - Innovative Solutions & Support’s display units, this layout is very similar to the ProLine 21 system and the Boeing 737-800 but with four displays covering both pilots PFD and MAP/NAV, and this conversion is called the "FPDS" or "Flat Panel Display System" or commonly known as a glass cockpit conversion. So X-Plane users have been asking, well okay begging FlightFactor for this glass cockpit FPDS for a long time.... and now it is here, for another added on extra price. We will go into the (complex) pricing structure later, but for now this is a great addition to the Boeing 757 cockpit. At this point it is just the B757 Pro and the Extended version and currently not for FlightFactor's other significant aircraft the Boeing 767, but the avionics system in the B767 is almost exactly the same as this IS&S system, and so that conversion should be along not far behind. So here is the original CRT/Analog panel, and below the new FPDS. In reality the original was also a semi-glass instrument system if part CRT (Cathode Ray Tube), but the latter two-display glass unit is far more cleaner and larger with more features. Both the PFD (Primary Flight Display) and the NAV/MAP (Navigation/Map) displays pop-out for ease of use and also for the cockpit builders, the pop-outs can also be scaled and moved around your screen. To switch over the CRT/Analog to the FPDS you go to the iPad menu and select "OPTIONS" then "AVIONICS", the EFIS selection is to the left. A few users have had issues with the new EFIS Option not appearing in the iPad. The trick is to start the aircraft in Cold&Dark Mode and then the new avionics can be selected. Save the CONFIG file. Thereafter it should work when loading aircraft with engines running. This is for only users that are updating and not doing a complete new aircraft download. Not only do the main display panels change on the FPDS selection, but also does the EFIS Control Panel on the pedestal.. IS&S Avionics The PFD is in reality not that much different than the twin unit it replaces, it is in the addition of the large NAV/MAP screen that gives the system it's more substantial and easier workflow. The one thing that really stands out is the sheer details and features we now have in these avionic displays, certainly gone now in X-Plane are the days of showing a sort of a moderated version or simplistic layout. Twin Display EADI and EHSI The primary flight display is highly detailed. Obviously the main items are represented in the upper EADI (Electronic Attitude Direction Indicator) like the Artificial Horizon, Rate of Turn and Pitch guides, Speed and Altitude tapes are also represented... The Flight Director (FD) is also of course represented but it is highly detailed here, and this a point to make, as you are not just getting the basics, but the very highly detailed version with all the finer details as well. It is the lower EDSI (Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator) section (really the older NAV/MAP) that is the most interesting of the system. The detail is excellent and there is a lot to take in. You can switch from the VOR/APP/MAP in the display which is between the ROSE (APP) and ARC (MAP) modes, but there are a few limitations in that the large secondary NAV/MAP can't be switched to the ROSE mode (I don't think the real version can either) it stays only in the ARC mode unless you use the PLAN mode, so to a point both the displays are not completely independent. Both VOR 1 and ADF 1 frequencies and VOR 2 and ADF 2 Frequencies are shown in both displays, I love the stack version in the PFD, but the frequency layout in the NAV/MAP can also be mixed in with the lower part of the NAV/MAP details, and they can be then very hard to read. I checked that the frequency position is correct, but on the real display there is no layout overlap? PFD also shows the VOR 2 data (next waypoint) and in the NAV/MAP version on the top right. Left lower PFD is the Rate of Climb dial, again really well done Both show GS (Ground Speed) and TAS (True Air Speed)/WindSpeed and Direction, TRK (Heading) Radio height and Baro. The Vrefs are worth looking at. Even if you set the aircraft's Vrefs speeds in the "Takeoff" preferences in the FMC (Flight Management Computer) they don't select the same in the EHSI So you still have to set the Vref Speeds yourself. The SPD REF knob is top centre on the EFIS Control Panel, slightly tricky to use at first but you soon get use to the insert system of adding in the Vref Speeds, if it is grey it can be set (note the yellow "No VSPD" notice)... .... select the speed via the top part of the knob and lock it in with the "SET" button, it will turn green when set, all four settings can be set in V1/VR/V2/REF, You can switch between TO (Takeoff) and APP (Approach) Vspeeds, when set the No VSPD notice disappears. I like this action a lot. VAV/MAP display details cover WXR (Weather), NAV AID, APRT (Airport), RTE DATA (Route Data) and WPT (Waypoint), set them all and you will get a very cluttered screen, certainly with the WPT range set long, personally I never use WPT unless in RNAV mode as they usually clog up to much of the screen. RTE DATA is however very good in fine detail in showing all the complex data of your route. WRX - Weather can be selected and you can adjust the brightness of the weather on the display. TERR - Terrain is also available and FlightFactor was one of the first and it is still the best of this TERR feature. _______________________________ Flying with the FPDS What started out as a nice day in Barcelona, Spain quickly deteriorated later in the day towards departure to Porto - LPPR, Portugal. FlightFactors/VMax Boeing 757 is still a magnificent aircraft, and as we have noted over a few update reviews it now comes with a much more nicer cabin and dynamic details, but you do notice the missing engines behind the blades and the cabin still has some work to be done on the overhead panels. You have to find the right WRX setting, if not it will overwhelm the display, or when it does refresh it can take a moment before resuming. Vref Speeds are excellent and spot on if you have done your homework 159 knts + 10 is perfect at 15º flap... .... no denying that the FF B757 is a great aircraft to fly, but with this level of study flight, one you have to know your stuff and two have to fly the aircraft a lot in sequences over a lot of routes to get the full depth of simulation, get it right and the returns are impressive. I am a big fan of "Range to Selected Altitude" markers, setting climb and descent targets can make or break a good flight, and in here they are excellent on both displays. I find the PBR a bit to bright in certain lighting conditions and light in the B757 cockpit it is, and that shows on the displays as well... but you can't doubt the excellent detail and data you get from this avionics system... Select APP Vref and then fill in the "REF" (you can get this from the FMC/APPROACH REF) and the system will fill in the blank speeds, just okay to green or change them to your own preference. Arriving at the EGI2T STAR into Porto the information provided is really good... and in many ways far better than the older CRT layout. But be aware that there are no backup analog instruments with this FPDS, as all instrumentaion is now all just in the glass displays. Then down the chute into LPPR RWY 17. Note the ILS alignment diamonds, and yes you still set the ILS Freq on the rear of the console and not on the forward EFIS Control Panel, note the excellent VNAV Path Exceedance marker next to the Vertical Speed. ... manual thrust control to the runway, and you have to really like this bird.... it is amazing to fly when you get into the groove. 131 knts on final, and you just let the power off to the flare, the B757 is quite hard to pitch with the nose, but a little nose high is perfect anyway.. ... a very sweet touch down, I am pretty happy with that one, now the reverse thrusters and airbrakes and your quickly down to taxi speed.... .... so the flying experience with the more contemporary IS&S avionics is a certainly a great advance if you are wanting the Boeing 757 to be a current simulation and rather than a nostalgic one. These B757 are mostly now running cargo freight, but many a unreplaceable -200 or -300 versions are still doing great work out there until the newer Airbus A321XLR starts to send them all out to Victorville, for you that is a great omen to keep flying this brilliant aircraft. A last note that the FlightFactor Series in the Boeing 757 and Boeing 767 are both very high study grade machines, so they need a fair amount of devotion and time to learn all of their complex systems and flying habits, and like this B757 FPDS then the Boeing 767 version shouldn't be to far behind. Pricing: FlightFactor have produced a 9.14 min video to explain their pricing structure, which really says it all in that it is getting complex. But basically you can upgrade two ways. One (which I will call the Avionics upgrade) is the Standard Single aircraft PRO that can be upgraded with this FPDS package to Modern Avionics Two (Extended and Global) you can also update to first from the Standard Single Aircraft to the "Extended" version that includes three versions of the B757 in the -200, -300 and the Freighter, and then update again to the GLOBAL version of everything in the Extended and plus the FPDS package. Pricing is best shown like this base B757 US$72.00, Upgrade to Extended US$20.00, Upgrade to Modern Avionics US$20 So all four upgrades can also be purchased as a pack.. Single basic B757 Pro Pack - US$72,00 Modern Avionics Pack - US$ 92.00 Extended Pack - US$92.00 Global Pack - US$112,00 Summary Here is another extension to the FlightFactor/SteptoSky Boeing 757 Pro with the first being the " Extended" version with the optional variants of the -200, -300 and the Freighter. This is the "Avionics" upgrade to the IS&S - Innovative Solutions & Support’s display units called FPDS or Flat Panel Display System. This brings the Boeing 757 into a more contemporary later aircraft currently still flying around the world, as the older version carried the nostalgic CRT semi-glass/analog systems. As a reproduction of the IS&S FPDS it is about the best as you are going to get, but it is however a bit pricey for just an avionics upgrade, and the NAV/MAP display can also interfere with the VOR Frequencies in the lower part of the display, otherwise it is excellent with all the features you will ever need including great Takeoff and Landing Vref interaction. In reality it turns the B757 into the same PFD and NAV/MAP system as on the Boeing 737. Obviously yes this Avionics upgrade is a brilliant addition to the aircraft and expect it to appear soon in the similar Boeing 767, personally I really like this avionic option on the FlightFactor's Boeing 757 Pro Series, and yes it was well worth the wait. ______________________ Other small version and fix updates of this aircraft include: v2.2.13 - added showing plane position on navigraph charts that support such functional - added some docking points for better compatibility with ground services - fixed navigraph charts in VR - fixed resetting navigraph charts page on switching efb mode (horizontal/vertical) - fixed broken sound on some Linux distributions - fixed the case when pop-up screens weren't visible in different multi-monitor setups - returned an ability to toggle keyboard input mode for cdu, now by clicking on cdu screen on pop-up window ______________________________________________________________________ Yes! the Boeing 757-200ER Professional & Extended versions and the EPDS extension by FlightFactor Aero/SteptoSky... ... is NOW! Available from the X-Plane.Org Store here : Boeing 757-200ER v2 Professional Price is US$72.00 Boeing 757-200ER v2 Professional Extended Price is US$92.00 Boeing 757-200ER v2 Professional Extended Upgrade Price is US$72.00 + US$20 Boeing 757-200ER v2 Professional Modern Avionics Price is US$72.00 + US$20 Boeing 757-200ER v2 Professional Global Upgrade Price is US$92.00 + US$20 Boeing 757-200ER v2 Professional Global Price is US$112.00 You must already have purchased and own the current Boeing 757-200 v2 version for any upgrades (Extended/Avionics) to the aircraft Requirements X-Plane 11.36 (X-Plane 10 is NOT supported!) Windows 7+, Mac OS 10.10+ or Linux 14.04 LTS or compatible, 64 bit mode 8Gb RAM / 2Gb VRAM Minimum, 16Gb+ RAM / 4Gb+ VRAM Recommended Current and Review Version: 2.3.6 Free auto-updates for the entire XP11 life-cycle _____________________________________________________________________________________ Upgrade Review by Stephen Dutton 10th September 2019 Copyright©2019: X-PlaneReviews (Disclaimer. All images and text in this review are the work and property of X-PlaneReviews, no sharing or copy of the content is allowed without consent from the author as per copyright conditions) Review System Specifications: Computer System: Windows - Intel Core i7 6700K CPU 4.00GHz / 64bit - 16 Gb single 1067 Mhz DDR4 2133 - ASUS GeForce GTX 1080 8Gb - Samsung Evo 512gb SSD Software: - Windows 10 - X-Plane 11.20 Addons: Saitek x56 Rhino Pro system Joystick and Throttle : Sound - Bose Soundlink Mini Plugins: Environment Engine by xEnviro v1.11 US$69.90 : WorldTraffic 3.0 Plugin - US$29.95 : BetterPushBack - Free : JARDesign Ground Handling Deluxe plugin Scenery or Aircraft - LEBL - Barcelona XP11 by JustSim (X-Plane.OrgStore) US$21.00 (review of LEBL is here : Scenery Upgrade : LEBL - Barcelona XP11 by JustSim - LPPR - Porto Airport UHD, Portugal by Area 77 (X-Plane.OrgStore) US$23.50 (review of LPPR is here : Scenery Review : LPPR - Porto Airport Portugal by Area77 Simulations
  2. NEWS! - Aircraft Updated : B 747-8 Series Anniversary Edition v2.7 by SSG/VMAX This is the third significant update to the Boeing 747-8 Series (Jumbo Jet) in 2023, we can't count the v2.6rc1 (Jan 14th 2023), as there was no list notes, and v2.6 was the official update to X-Plane 12. These consistent updates have kept the SSG B748 Series very fresh and very mature, and X-PlaneReviews reviewer Michael Hayward did an overview review for that X-Plane 12 transition release: Aircraft Update: B 747-8 Series Anniversary Edition X-Plane 12 This v2.7 release is also worth noting as in this update SSG have made the aircraft now functional for Mac Silicon native plugins (M1/M2/M3 computers). If you are a Mac user, then that is very good news. Another nice update is the retirement of the old Dream Engine sound pack, to be replaced here by the more up to date and the more flexible FMOD2 sound system, changes to the general airframe, Cockpit and FMC are also included. The full v2.7 changelog is below. Changelog v2.7 General Airframe - Wing Flex improved - Landing gear improved - Weather map now work in both sides - Terrain Map improved - Flight dynamics improved to meet the nes xp 12.07 and above - Landing gear improved and updated Cockpit - MCDU Pilot , MCDU Copilot and Navigation Copilot PopUps now has a hidden command to open/close. - Copilot ND in Xplane window style - Copilot ND window works now at full screen simulator FMC - Fixed problem loading airways in Coroute - Fixed mode PLN in copilot ND - Fixed Not allow enter not identified waypoints - Fixed previous route loading - Fixed Tracks lines improved - Fixed on more oscillating tracks - ND presentation the same for both NDs - Bank angle improved for turns - Better DME ARCS - Correct landing speeds selection in route - No more jumping speeds in legs page - Correct speeds in missed approach - Change to VNAV from FLCH and vice versa works properly now - Improvement for tracks curves and curves flying - N1 up to 107.9 in takeoff - Improved AT - Better autolanding - TAS and GS now correct - Fixed during takeoff and climb, the current speed doesn’t change - Fixed descent speed was bad computed in some situations sound/FMOD - New FMOD sound package that replaces the old Dream Engine sound. These changes are also related to the included B748F (Freighter) variant as well, note the X-Plane 11 version is also still available in v2.5.1 form, both the XP12 and XP11 links are included in the package. Currently there is a 30% off the full price sale as well, so a nice little Christmas treat could be in order. Developed by SSG and VMAX Support forum for the 7474-8 ____________________________  Yes! the Boeing 747-8 Inter Anniversary Edition X-Plane 12 By Supercritical Simulations Group is available from the X-Plane.Org Store here B 747-8 Series Anniversary Edition Price is US$69.00 (currently on SALE for US$48.30, or 30% off) Officially licensed by the Boeing Corporation. Requirements -Plane 12 or X-Plane 11 - both links included Windows , Mac (including M Processors) and Linux 8 GB+ VRAM Recommended Current version : XP12: 2.7 (December 15th 2023) XP11: 2.5.1 (June 7th 2022) _______________ NEWS! by Stephen Dutton 16th December 2023 Copyright©2023: X-Plane Reviews Disclaimer. All images and text in this review are the work and property of X-PlaneReviews, no sharing or copy of the content is allowed without consent from the author as per copyright conditions) All Right Reserved.
  3. News! - Aircraft Update : Airbus A350 v1.6.16 by FlightFactor There has been a really interesting updated by FlightFactor with their Airbus A350. Neglected for many years, lately the FF A350 has had a flurry of updates and all have been quite significant. The main restart update was the v1.6 update in July 2020, But there has been a few updates since then, and now another one. One thing to note is that the update is a particularly large at 1026Mb, and 1100 files, and far too many file changes for the noted changed items in the changelog? This update is focused on the PFD (Primary Flight Display) and ND (Navigation Display), which delivers better graphics and information via these vital screens. This is done by a new adaptation to the new high-fps ToLiss routines for better and quicker drawing. It may not sound or look much to the eye, but the significant update will make the aircraft respond better. Another important change is the Improvements to the drag model, engine climb performance and fuel burn. Now I had issues with my fuel burn numbers that I believed they were not correct at the time of the v1.6 release. As the aircraft's fuel burn was far higher than the numbers created by SimBrief for the route selected, to the point I had to land several times early in being out of fuel... I contested the numbers at that time but was told they were correct? I believed and still do, that they were not, however now the drag model, engine climb performance and fuel burn has been revised? I will be certainly testing that change. Another point was that I also had mysterious crashes (to desktop CTD). Landing at Malpensa (LIMC) if I took the taxiway E the aircraft would simply freeze and the framerate would go to zero, another change noted is Removed async objects loading in an attempt to fix some rare mysterious crashes , I will check that one out as well. There have also been Improvements to the management of DIRECT TO RADIAL IN and RADIAL OUT functions as well, so that will also be interesting. The full changelog is below... Changelog v1.6.16 Adaptation to the new high-fps ToLiss routines for PFD and ND drawing Addition of the SOFT GA mode when retarding thrust levers to MCT immediately after initiating GA Improvements to the management of DIRECT TO RADIAL IN and RADIAL OUT functions Improvements to the drag model, engine climb performance and fuel burn. Removed async objects loading in an attempt to fix some rare mysterious crashes Fixed a few NML textures - Fixed the TCA park brake command Fixed an issue that allowed entering a BARO and RADIO minimum simultaneously in the MFD Not noted is the change to custom liveries? The folders are now all empty? but to note that during the update the wing files were changed? Checking I found no differences with the older livery textures? You can use the built in X-Updater to update to v1.1.16... now. _____________________________________________ The Airbus A350-900 XWB Advanced v1.6.16 from FlightFactor is Available from the X-Plane.Org Store: Airbus A350 XWB Advanced Price is currently US$ 64.95 Requirements: X-Plane 11 Windows, Mac or Linux 4 GB VRAM Minimum - 8 GB+ VRAM Recommended Download Size: 850 MB Current : 1.6.16 (March 5th 2021 - Available via the updater) ____________________________ News by Stephen Dutton 6th March 2021 Copyright©2021 : X-Plane Reviews (Disclaimer. All images and text in this review are the work and property of X-PlaneReviews, no sharing or copy of the content is allowed without consent from the author as per copyright conditions) All rights reserved.
  4. Aircraft Update : Boeing 767 Professional/Extended v1.2.7 by FlightFactor/StepToSky//VMax Was it? Was it really? Was the FlightFactor Boeing 767 already an Extended version of the aircraft... it actually seemed so, but it wasn't. The FlightFactor fleet of Boeings in the B777 and B757 are of course all "Extended" three aircraft packages, so you just simply assumed then so was the B767. So here in this release is the "Extended" version of the Boeing 767, and the deal is the same as all the other Extended packages. The full price (US$72.00) of the original 767-300ER and the Extended version that will cost you US$20 extra that includes two more aircraft variants with the 767-200ER and the 767-300F (Freighter) or you can purchase the full Pro/Extended package for US$93.00. Not cheap, but then again you also get a lot of aircraft for your money. So all the FlightFactor Boeings are now "Extended" versions of the aircraft and each 767 variant also comes with different engine types... Boeing 767-300ER Boeing 767-200ER 767-300F (Freighter) Both the -300 (ER/F) have three engine choices (L to R) Pratt & Whitney PW4000, Rolls-Royce RB211 and General Electric CF6 engines and all with power ranges from 48,000 to 60,600 lbf. The -200ER has only two engine options with the Pratt & Whitney PW4000 and the General Electric CF6. This update review focuses on the update changes, so to get a full overview of the B767-300ER then go to this review: Boeing 767-300ER Professional by VMAX and FlightFactor Boeing 767-200ER There are two new variants in the "Extended" package and the first one we will look at is the Boeing 767-200ER. Proportionably the -200 looks quite odd. The fuselage is 21.1 ft (6.4m) shorter than the -300 at 180 ft 3in/54.94m in length, but the wingspan is the same width 156 ft.1in/47.57m. Then add on those optional Aviation Partners winglets at 11 feet (3.35 m) in height and the proportions look even stranger, to a point the -200 looks more like the original babybus 737 than a 767. Personally I think the -200ER looks better without the winglets. Like with the B757 v2.2.5 updated cabin then this updated 767 version has also has had a nice new modern cabin fit-out, but at a first glance it looked quite stark, and to the point at first I wondered if the textures were actually missing? Black leather in Business class and a grey/black pattern in the rear in Economy is all very well done in detail, but a bit dour in colour... the B757's v2.2.5 purple shades look more modern and well... nice and colourful, and thankfully the earlier horrible blues with eastern block hints are finally gone. No seat back video gives the cabin a bit of empty feel though. The -300 cabin (below) is in the same dark style, but it is so looooong, as it goes on forever in length, but it is a great place to stretch your legs in flight. I am quite sure the painters will quickly brighten up the cabin materials. But overall it is a very nice and classy cabin. You can separately adjust the cabin lighting, from dark to extremely bright.... .... and it looks excellent. But there are no smoking and seatbelt illuminations as they don't work and neither does the "Exit" signs, at this price they both should. Entrance and galley areas are also excellent, beautifully done and one of the best now in X-Plane (however FJS B737-200 is still a class ahead). 767-300F (Freighter) A mid-sized Freighter is always welcome, and the new -300F is simply sensational. The freighter adds in a whole new dimension to flying the Boeing 767, as also most 767's are now being converted to these freighter operations, and even Boeing is still producing the freighter version for the ongoing demand. All cargo doors open, and so does also the left cabin door... .... but frustrating is the fact you can't access the cargo deck because FlightFactor are very insistent on very heavy boundaries! annoying. JarDesign's Ground Handling Deluxe (GHD) plugin is a must have, as there is a specialised .set available here: GHD Full Service Set Boeing767-Freight X Plane 11 Great detail allows for a different cockpit layout than the passenger version. Update 1.2.7 This update covers both updates 1.2.6 and 1.2.7... In reality it combines both updates to bring the aircraft in line to the same position as the Boeing 757 v2.2.5 as it currently stands. It does not cover changes for the beta 11.30 or v11.30. It does however include the use of VR (Virtual Reality) with custom menus and full comparability with HTC VIVE and with the added appropriate test page data. The v1.2.7 of the Boeing 767 does fly very well in the 11.30 beta (Currently 11.30b6)... but FlightFactor do present a warning that the aircraft is "not yet supported". External updates include new fans and rear exhaust cone, and the blades (front and rear (arrowed below)) are also now animated on the ground (windmilling). The flaps and, tracks and inner detailing have all been significantly redone. All the control flying surfaces have been recalibrated (below left). The spoiler shacking effect is now dependent on SHAKE ON TURB checkbox being checked, but it is very realistic to leave switched on, and there is now a shaking and sound effect on spoiler extension. Like with the updated B757, the ground vehicles have also been updated and are now far more modern... Included are: APU (Auxiliary Power Unit), High Pressure Unit, Passenger Bus, Stairs, Fuel Truck, De-Ice Truck, Aircraft Cooling Unit (ACU), Two Baggage Loaders (LSU), Waste unit and rear (Cargo) loader.... There is a C-Loader but it is only available with the passenger version, and then positioned in the wrong place (rear left door?). Which is an odd thing as the C-Loader is really required on the Freighter... right? Internal updates: You can check on the aircraft's current version (arrowed) via the pop-up iPad (Menu). Electronic Flight Bag as many of these iPaddies are called and you can select the iPad by the smaller version in a pocket on the left of the Captain's position, and it pops up on the top right of your screen. The X-Plane menu and key access (recommended) can also be used. The iPad can be moved around the screen, but be careful as it can also disconnect you from the cockpit controls unless you re-click on the cockpit area in the background if you want the iPad on screen but want to also move around the cockpit..  The iPad/Menu has had a lot of attention for this update. For one now you can now rotate the pad vertically, and also still scale it and move it around the screen, It can also be popped out as a separate window. The iPad can also be accessed by the X-Plane menu, which is sometimes easier and quicker than using the "down left then look selection", so I tend to use the drop-down menu more often. The menu layout has been cleaned up, but the actual settings are the same. The checklists have also been moved on to the iPad from the overhead menu. And the checklists looks far better in this new layout, but the iPad is quite large in scale, and you can of course resize (scale) it, but with limits, because as it gets smaller, then the text gets a little harder to read, so you have find the overall best compromise. The Failure menu has been completely redone (or reorganised). It is now much easier to use and more flexible, with scenarios. You can set the "scenario" to happen Immediately, or in time or at a certain speed or altitude. It can be random, or with a certain instrument, and you can change the scenario, even when to set (activate) or delete. If you have a Navigraph account, you can now also access the "Charts" feature, and all Navigraph charts and information are now right there at your fingertips, and the charts also can show you your aircraft's position on the charts. And yes, I am totally in love with the idea... it is brilliant! Cockpit and Panel The Freighter cockpit is ballroom sized compared to most aircraft cockpit zones, as there is so much space... .... but it can get a little dull in here sometimes? This is X-Plane v11.25, so the adjusted 11.30 maybe a little better. The cockpit textures have again been redone as with new lighting technology and new text fonts on the panels, and it isn't as overwhelmingly dark in the feel as before. But in areas it all seems like a slight set back as well... as the flight instrument dials feel more darker when set to maximum, and the screen glow on the FMC and middle EICAS screens look not as blurry when using the effects? They feel overall either incomplete or a missed job on the list? They were far better in the earlier version. Dual-FMS with two independently working CDUs are the highlight of the aircraft, beautifully done and one of the best Boeing CDUs in X-Plane11. Both CDUs pop-out for ease of use, but you also have the remote FMS version that you can use in an internet browser on any computer, that is the default version (below left)... The right FMS is the latest version of the WebFMC Pro that will from version v1.07 have also this FlightFactor Boeing 767 and Boeing 757 CDU with access now added to the list, Screen Glow and Screen Fading is also a feature on the new WebFMC 767 version... ... the WebFMC version is actually now far superior to the default FMC. It looks better, has direct keyboard access and has more features, so it comes highly recommended if you have one or both of the FlightFactor Boeings. Direct keyboard access can be done on the pop-up CDU (not on the remote version). Move your cursor over the left top of your CDU glass panel until a K appears, then position the cursor over the CDU screen to keep it active, and now you can input in the route data directly. Overall the FMS has had not much attention (In reality it didn't need any) but several points covered are, direct-to via the first line in legs in non original variants, fmc CTD in some complex situations during using dep/arr CDU pages and the CDU now supports loading of co-routes in ICAO format. Flying the Boeing 767-200 v1.2.5 Changes in the cockpit from the last update is pretty well minimal, not that it need it in the first place as this Boeing 767 was very well sorted and quite complete from the start of it's introduction. So the FMS and instruments and systems are pretty well exactly the same and you shouldn't really notice any real differences. Is this a "Study" grade aircraft? personally I think so as the set up for flight is pretty comprehensive, you have to know your way around the instrument panel and the FMS data input to get it all right, if you are new to the aircraft then make sure the "Failures" are switched off until you are far more knowledgable about all those complex systems, as otherwise it can be a frustrating experience. Pushback has had a fair bit of attention... the default pushback has been refined with a few bugs having issues, and even causing a crash to desktop. However I don't use the default (and it is one of the best), but the BetterPushBack option, which again has had attention and has also been refined for use on the aircraft (a Clash?)... now it works perfectly. Ready for engine start! The tiller now works (arrowed)... I bet you didn't know that before. and the whole steering time has been retuned, it does feel far better, but now more like the usual slightly delayed airbus feel? There has always been a slight problem with the thrust on FlightFactor's B767, ever since the change over to X-Plane11, and most issues have been gradually refined out... but the B767 will still quite easily taxi with the throttle levers set in the idle position, and you need to keep on touching the brakes to keep the forward speed in check? And you could note me a slightly heavy here at 118482 kgs... so I feel the thrust factor it still needs more attention. I have never been a big fan of FlightFactor's cabin windows either? As they all have this tint shade, that darkens the view out, and worse the tint does not even fit the window correctly? The cabin itself is very, very nice but a little flat with no seatbelt signs or with the exit signs activated, the seatback blank screens don't help either.... and don't get me started on the flapping window shades? and at least you can turn the action off. I have had to learn to not give the B767 full throttle on takeoff, but to set a takeoff speed position, if not the aircraft can runway with the speed once you gain flight and over-ride the flap limits, get it right and the aircraft comes nicely to you... v2 or rotate is at 163 + 10 knts at flap 05. The 767 is not a brutal as the B757, in performance or in the sheer noise it makes, it is a more considerate aircraft, certainly not benign, and it is excellent to fly. Note that the undercarriage gear sequencing has been redone here for a more realistic operation, the same as was done on the B757. The B767 is not an easy, easy aircraft to fly because it is quite complex, and so you have to know your stuff in here, and it takes time to really get totally proficient on the airframe...definitely an aircraft you need to spend a considerable time in flying, you have to know it through and through to feel totally in control of all the aspects of flying the machine, so spending a week or more in the same 767 zone does payoff in it's return rewards. The FlightFactor B767 sounds were on release a major significant step forward in the range and quality of the sound package, it was realism 101... and only a dedicated addon BSS sound pack was or is only better. In the basic sound pack it is still the same, but there is significant differences in the selection of engine that you choose, as they are all quite different in their sound ranges... overall for the best it is certainly the RB211 Rolls Royce, as it certainly has the most dynamic sound.... so excellent sound quality in all areas is a given. The only note is that if move around the aircraft fast, the sounds dynamics then sort of not keeps up with you, because it is try to go to through far too many different ranges in a short time, so you get of a strange wail at certain engine angles. The FMS is fully featured, and fully adaptable (there is nothing worse than an FMS that won't do what you want it to). 8.33Khz radio is also now supported. New Navigraph charts feature is excellent, easy to use and very useful in operation, here I am setting the ILS approach frequency. The cockpit lighting is excellent at night, but as noted it does feel the instrument lighting is far duller than before, it can be hard to set as well as some knobs on the OHP (Over Head Panel) are set in the opposite direction that does not feel right, so you keep adjusting the panel illumination the wrong way. The FlightFactor B767 came with as a major feature both a WRX radar (weather) and Terrain warning system (TERR), here I am checking the terrain radar as the approach to MKJS - Montego Bay which is quite hilly. Next images shows the Terr Radar in operation, You need a fair bit of skill to land the B767, but (a lot) of practise does help. Tricky is that you can't use the autoland (Autopilot) all the way down, the last few feet has to be pure manual control, and in the dark you really can have your skills tested... ... but you are a Pro.... Right! and again it is all very rewarding if you get it right. Liveries B767-300ER For the B767-300ER you get (noted as "Free") liveries, including: American Airlines, Air France, Garuda Indonesia, British Airways, Star Alliance Lufthansa and Canadian Westjet as part of the package. There are also nine livery packs available at $US10.00 per pack, noted are: Asia 1 & Asia 2, Europe 1, Europe 2 & Europe 3, Middle East, North American, Oceania and South America, and that is altogether over 100 + liveries for the aircraft... B767-200ER The B762 shares the same free liveries as the -300ER plus two extra with the Boeing House and X-Airways ... but there are no extra addon packs... B767-300F You get two cargo liveries as part of the package with: UPS Freight and X-Airways There is also an extra addon cargo pack available for US$10. This package includes: Amerijet Inter, Canadair CargoJet, DHL, FedEx, JAL Cargo, LATAM Cargo, Prime Air (Amazon), Silkway Cargo and Tampa Air. _________________________________ Summary This is a dual release of one being an update pack of aircraft changes, new features and a lot of bug/issue fixing. The second is the introduction of the "Extended" version of the FlightFactor/StepToSky/VMax Boeing 767 Pro. The "Extended" pack is US$20 more than the original -300ER aircraft cost, of which you need to add in the extension. The "Extended" version included the shorter 767-200ER and the 767-300F (Freighter) and both aircraft are certainly we worth the extra outlay in the sheer variety it gives you in access to the Iconic 767 aircraft. All variants come with excellent engine options with P&W/RR/GE on the -300 versions and P&W/GE on the -200ER variant. The FightFactor Boeing 767 Pro was on it's release another step forward in X-Plane aircraft development in quality, performance, system depth, advanced sounds and the sheer study detail that came with flying the aircraft. And most if not all of those highlights are still very much in vogue here. The aircraft does require some skill to operate and fly, but deep simulation with detail is what this sort of simulation is all about, and that is also what you pay for. Highlights in this version include the highly revised iPad/EFB with now Chart intergation and a better failures layout, and there is now access to the Navigraph charts (with your subscription required), New cabin fit-outs that are stylish and modern with excellent galley areas. Complete VR (Virtual Reality) intergration with virtual menus and comparability with HTC VIVE. WebFMC Pro intergration and BetterPushBack intergration. Lots of areas around the aircraft and certainly the airbrakes/flaps and engines have had significant attention and remodeling. There are no real negatives here with this new extended pro version of the B767. But a few areas seems to have been missed either because of the limited time-frame or just overlooked. The cockpit has had a significant overhaul of new lighting technology and font text, and it does look better, but some of the panel back lighting is far darker and the glow/fading effect is now not working on the CDU's. The excellent new cabin layouts are let down a little via the non working no smoking/seatbelt/exit sign illumination, blank rear seat monitors and poor heavy window tints that don't fit correctly (why have them at all?) and a drab colour seating scheme. Heavy boundaries restrict access, and a C-Loader that wants to load the wrong aircraft in the wrong position? Hopefully all will corrected ready for the X-Plane11.30 introduction including the idle smoke issue. Many reviews are preaching to the converted, as this Boeing 767 Pro series is already an iconic aircraft in X-Plane. The added in "Extended" version just now gives you more of more of now three variants of the Boeing 767 to choose from, as both the new -200ER and for me certainly the -300Freighter will get a lot of operational use from this reviewer and I already know the high rewards for the investment are for significant returns. Overall it brings the full FlightFactor Boeing lineup into the same three aircraft "Extended" category together, so that is a huge amount of choice if you are a FlightFactor Pro collector... of the three choices the B676 is now certainly at the top of the list.... Highly Recommended. ______________________________________________________________________ Yes! the Boeing 767 Professional/Extended v1.2.7 by FlightFactor/StepToSky//VMax is NOW! Available from the X-Plane.Org Store here : Boeing 767-300 ER Professional Price is US$72.00 Boeing 767-200ER/-300F Professional Extended Price is US$92.00 Boeing 767-200ER/-300F Professional Extended Upgrade Price is US$72.00 + US$20 You must already have purchased and own the current Boeing 767-300ER Pro version to be eligible for the US$20 update to the aircraft Requirements X-Plane 11+ (X-Plane 10 is NOT supported!) Windows 7+, Mac OS 10.10+ or Linux 14.04 LTS or compatible, 64 bit mode 8Gb RAM / 2Gb VRAM Minimum, 24Gb+ RAM / 8Gb+ VRAM Recommended Current Version: 1.2.7 (last updated November 14, 2018) Free auto-updates for the entire XP11 life-cycle ________________________________________________________________ Update Review by Stephen Dutton 23rd November 2018 Copyright©2018: X-PlaneReviews (Disclaimer. All images and text in this review are the work and property of X-PlaneReviews, no sharing or copy of the content is allowed without consent from the author as per copyright conditions) Review System Specifications: Computer System: Windows - Intel Core i7 6700K CPU 4.00GHz / 64bit - 16 Gb single 1067 Mhz DDR4 2133 - ASUS GeForce GTX 1080 8Gb - Samsung Evo 512gb SSD Software: - Windows 10 - X-Plane 11.20 Addons: Saitek x56 Rhino Pro system Joystick and Throttle : Sound - Bose Soundlink Mini Plugins: Environment Engine by xEnviro v1.09 US$69.90 : XPRealistic Pro v1.0.9 effects US$19.95 : WorldTraffic 3.0 Plugin - US$29.95 : BetterPushBack - Free : : JARDesign Ground Handling Deluxe plugin Scenery or Aircraft - KRSW - Southwest Florida International Airport by Aerosoft (X-Plane.OrgStore) - US$24.95 - MKJS - Montego Bay Jamaica by Skyline Simulations (X-Plane.OrgStore) - US$19.95
  5. Aircraft Update : Boeing 757 Professional v2.1.13 by FlightFactor/VMax X-Plane is a movement, always morphing, changing and always moving forward. We wouldn't want that aspect any other way, as it means that the simulator grows, becomes better and more involving. In fact if you sit back and think it though the changes in and around the X-Plane simulator over the last, say... three years have been phenomenal, and it feels sometimes even an eon ago, but you have to even go a long way further back to November 2013 for time the Boeing 757 from FlightFactor/VMax first emerged, yes five years ago, that feels now like the Jurassic period in X-Plane terms, okay if only stone/bronze age. In sales terms it is one of the biggest sellers of payware aircraft in X-Plane and it lead the simulator for the very best of in depth quality and you would even note the aircraft as the first "Study" aircraft as well with its in depth systems and flying capabilities, but that is still a big five years ago since it's first release... So you think that with all the extreme changes in the X-Plane simulator the aircraft or the design would now be hopelessly out of date, but in reality the aircraft is very far from that point, as there has not only been a lot of updates through the years including the major version two release in 2016. Added also into the this Boeing 757 package is the "Extended" option of not only the original -200 version but also the added choice of a - 300 version and a -200SF Freighter and the option of two engine choices of the RR RB211-535E4 and the Pratt & Whitney PW2037. The introduction of X-Plane11 was very significant for FlightFactor's B757/B767 series aircraft. On the one hand the PBR (Physically Based Rendering) effects gave them a new lease of life in a dynamic sense, bringing them alive, and giving them more realism. But the X-Plane11 more detailed flight and engine dynamics didn't translate as good, patches came to keep the B757/B767 birds flying, but with their complex system algorithms it was not an easy fix, especially more so as Laminar Research changed their refinements as often as their minds. And so the updates keep coming, but that is good thing and not a negative, refinement is written all over this aircraft and here we cover not one but two updates as they are only a few months apart with v2.1.11 and v2.1.13 Boeing 757 Professional v2.1.13 The updates cover again mostly system fixes, but as the v2.1.10 update was the most significant one that addressed most of the X-Plane11 refinements, I still found that aircraft still quite buggy in the way it flew. The X-Plane11 versions of the "Extended" options with the -300 and 200SF were now also X-Plane11 rated was a huge addition and bonus to the B757 Series. Here I am going to concentrate on the basic aircraft the B757-200. With a few nips and tucks over the years the B757 still looks as good as the day it was released. But the dynamic lighting really brings the aircraft to life, like with the B767 the optional blended winglets from Aviation Partners Incorporated that look very good on this aircraft, but also extended its service life. The tall 757 stance when standing on its gear is as famous as its long tube body gave the aircraft some interesting nicknames like... Stick Insect, AtariFerrari, Slippery Snake, Flying Pencil and Long Tall Sally. But the B757 is a very but highly successful but niche aircraft and that has made it very hard to replace in the commercial world and that is why so many are still flying in what is essentially an early 80's aircraft. The new Airbus A321 LR neo is now a possible replacement, but Boeing are wanting their new design in the B797 to cover the B757 requirements as well. The B757-300 version is as spectacular. The aircraft shown here has the optional Roll Royce RB211-535E4 engines. You can check your current FF B757 version by the version number on the top right of the pop-up iPad menu system. Update 2.1.12 was not a large amount of changes and mostly small issue fixes, the sound volume was jumping to zero and the engines behaved a bit strange on an engine change. The boarding door co-ordinates were wrong but fixed for the -300 version, but the -200 version was missed but it is now done in v2.1.13... Who doesn't love BetterPushBack... The BetterPushBack Truck is now adjusted to work well with the FF B757, as before it had rocking issues? The B757 does already come with a really good pushback truck that is controlled by your joystick, but who could do without that "Have a great Day!" from the betterpushback driver. Freighter SF version is also very good, and there is a GHD (Ground Handling) .set available for the aircraft (for the -200 and -300 versions as well). Note there is a bug if you use the GHD in that it conflicts with the FF A757 GPU and power to the aircraft, to get around the issue you have to use the APU. Boeing 757 cockpit still delivers in quality and detail... But the B757 and the B767 have a tendency to switch between light and dark lighting conditions, sometimes perfect, but then you get a snap and the cockpit (or panel) feels darker and then it snaps back to normal again, it doesn't help in that the cockpit is also quite a dark design. There has been few tries by FlightFactor to rein in this lighting condition in changes in both 2.0.25 and 2.1.10 but the PBR just highlights it more. Over the years there has been a lot of work done on the B757/B767 FMS. It is highly detailed and was for years one of the best in flight management systems and like noted almost "Study" deep in what you can set up and input into the aircraft's systems. The arrival this year of FlightFactor's A320 Ultimate and the ToLiSS319 has raised the bar in this flight management area, but this system is still one of the best to use and programme, all areas are covered with SID/STAR DEP and ARR, fix and airway inputs, ECON (Economy) CLB, CRZ and DES settings, DIR-INTC (Direct-To) and the PROG (Progress) has two pages of information with Wind and Fuel info on page 2. The aircraft's weather and terrain radar is also still one of the best in X-Plane. Notable is the option of having both white and red instruments. There is a choice between mixed (white and red) or full in that certain digital instruments are red on the main instrument panel and on the OHP (OverHead Panel). The red looks very nice at night. In v2.1.13 few cockpit mis-spellings have also been rectified and corrected, with the ELC and EEC buttons now on (useable) if the fuel pumps (switches) are off. The original X-Plane11 throttle hunting issue has been mostly tuned out (the B767 was the worst), the throttles still intermittently moves and reduce power, then increases the power again for no absolute reason, but it is not even close as the constant (annoying) movement you had before... climbing to altitude was the worse. Cabin Fitout You can see the changes to the FlightFactor B757 over the years by the different cabins installed in the aircraft... Starting with the 2013 version. This original version had a very Russian feel to the design, even down to the odd "Gazprom" logos? Thankfully another cabin change came with the v2 upgrade... and the cabin went more modern and an early 2000's in design. But very quickly (twelve months) we already have another latest B757 cabin version that is now bang up to date... with a very smart looking business class... .... and an even better designed main economy class. It is now all very modern in the back cabin as the economy seats are exceptional in design and they come with these lovely seating textures. Even the crew stations are very different from the past FlightFactor layouts (finally the cheap bottles of wine have gone) and all also are very modern and efficient looking. Same goes for the cabin wall panels, they are now separate styled panels with those nasty openings (gaps) from around the window frames are now also gone. Cabin lighting (adjustable) was good before, but now excellent with great down lighting. Look back to the original earlier cabins and you can see the total transformation of the same aircraft, the -300 version also has had the same changes done to the cabin layouts, and how long is it before the Boeing 767 get the same fitout makeover as well? The above cabin changes are far more significant than they appear, as they are very unFlightFactor in design and appearance, this is most likely the new direction of internal design, including cockpit textures from the developers and a move away from the original more Slavic feel to a more western approach, my guess is that in time all the FlightFactor fleet in the B777, B767 and even their A350 will adopt these more western layouts and all to the better and the proof is right here in this cabin, and it is amazing how changes like this can bring an older design to a much more up to date feel and experience. Virtual Reality FlightFactor has also noted that the Boeing 757 will soon be available for VR (Virtual Reality), and FF note "We have developed our unique cockpit interaction in VR just like we did with the 3d cockpit, and if I may say so, it is very intuitive." That announcement sounds exciting, but my comment would be what would VR be like in using the current B757 cockpit textures, as they are quite dark in design and the noted points in that (both) cockpits of the B757/B767 have that tendency to switch under X-Plane11 from light to dark lighting conditions? My gut feeling is that with a VR headset on then it would highlight that aspect, and to the dark, more than the light? Summary The motto of this review tale is that the reality is the FlightFactor/Vmax Boeing 757 Series is now five years old. But the truth is that with constant and clever updates, it could have been released only late last year. I am not going to hide the fact that in a very few areas it does show its original age, but there is no doubt that in it's current form that the aircraft will certainly stay there at the top of the list as one of the best simulations in X-Plane and that is with the newer Airbuses also now available. The trip down memory lane of the three different cabin layouts describes the whole situation very clearly, as the earlier cabin version was to say the least quite average (but good for the time), as the curent latest cabin layout is now quite sensational and like the real aircraft will keep it in service well past its used by date. If you opt for the recommended extended version with not only the -200 version, but with the very long -300 and that nice freighter version as well, then you are getting overall a very nice aircraft package and as the B757 has been around for a fair then all the niceties like the GHD (Ground Handling) and BetterPushBack plugins all work very well as well. In flying, then most of the X-Plane11 issues have been dealt with or refined, but updates are also constant to cover any other changes that Laminar Research might throw our way. I will admit the B757 requires a bit of skill and dedication to fly really well, you have to go to the aircraft, and not that the aircraft comes to you, but when both skills and flying ability merge then it is very good and deep simulation of this aircraft.... certainly highly recommended. ______________________________________________________________________ Yes! the Boeing 757-200ER Professional & Extended versions by VMAX and FlightFactor Aero is NOW! Available from the X-Plane.Org Store here : Boeing 757-200ER v2 Professional Price is US$64.95 Boeing 757-200ER v2 Professional Extended Price is US$84.95 Boeing 757-200ER v2 Professional Extended Upgrade Price is US$64.95 + US$20 You must already have purchased and own the current Boeing 757-200 v2 version for any updates to the aircraft Requirements X-Plane 11.05 or latter (also X-Plane 10 compatible) Windows 7+, Mac OS 10.10+ or Linux 14.04+ LTS or compatible. running in 64bit mode 1Gb VRAM Video Card Minimum. 2Gb+ VRAM Recommended. 3Gb+ VRAM Preferred. Current Version : 2.1.13 Free auto-updates for the entire XP11 lifecycle _____________________________________________________________________________________ Update Review by Stephen Dutton 18th April 2018 Copyright©2018: X-PlaneReviews (Disclaimer. All images and text in this review are the work and property of X-PlaneReviews, no sharing or copy of the content is allowed without consent from the author as per copyright conditions) Review System Specifications: Computer System: Windows - Intel Core i7 6700K CPU 4.00GHz / 64bit - 16 Gb single 1067 Mhz DDR4 2133 - ASUS GeForce GTX 1080 8Gb - Samsung Evo 512gb SSD Software: - Windows 10 - X-Plane 11.20 Addons: Saitek x56 Rhino Pro system Joystick and Throttle : Sound - Bose Soundlink Mini Plugins: Environment Engine by xEnviro v1.09 US$69.90 : XPRealistic Pro v1.0.9 effects US$19.95 : WorldTraffic 3.0 Plugin - US$29.95 : BetterPushBack - Free : : JARDesign Ground Handling Deluxe plugin Scenery or Aircraft - KABQ - Albuquerque International Sunport by ShortFinal Design (X-Plane.OrgStore) US$19.95 (review of KABQ is here : Scenery Review : KABQ - Albuquerque International Sunport by ShortFinal Design Changelog: 2.1.13 - boarding door fix - exhaust gas colour fix - fixed a small bug with cargo version weight - fixed the 753 beacon - fixed a bug with disappearing ELC and EEC buttons on fuel pump off - trimmer mouse wheel control fix - power back is now possible again - made the start sound quieter - to match the engine idle - EGT limiter on high OAT GA fixed - fixed x-plane hanging when you use the fix page during your fpl has DISCOs - corrected brakes for xp11.10 - improved flch ap mode logic and reengaging at logic - made some things for better integration with the VoiceCommander profiles by sloboda. 2.1.11 - fixed the issue with volume jumping to zero - fixed an issue with engine controller behaving incorrectly after an engine change - fixed an issue with BetterPushback rocking back and forth - fixed an issue with inversed stab animation - fixed the 300 door location (extended only) - add 300 and cargo to the livery packs - fixed misspelling in the cockpit - added higher realism level requirement for hung start
  6. News! - Aircraft Updated to X-Plane11 : Boeing 777 Worldliner/Extended Professional series by FlightFactor/VMAX FlightFactor/VMax have updated the Boeing 777 Worldliner Professional to X-Plane11. This is not strictly the full case that this aircraft is totally X-Plane11 compatible, but the word usable is more in line with the current situation as of X-Plane11 still being in it's beta phases. But flyable in X-Plane11 is a nice place to be. The Boeing 777 in it's (Extended) freighter form is the one aircraft that I log up the most nautical mileage in X-Plane as it is the aircraft I use to fly my Formula One gear around the world with, so I over the years I have come to know this aircraft very well. A magnificent beast of an aircraft this Boeing 777 is as well. There are two packages available with the standard "Worldliner" Professional which is the 777-200LR version and the "Extended" Professional pack that includes the same 777-200LR plus the 777-200ER (Extended Range), 777-300ER and the "F" Freighter version and in all a total of four variants with both GE (GE90-115B) and RR engines as options. v1.92 X-Plane11 In the v1.92 changelog there isn't much to take note of but to adjust the textures and make the aircraft compatible with X-Plane11, but with that you do then get the X-Plane11 features that include that nice shiny aircraft with "Physically Based Rendering" or "PBR" effects. The FlightFactor Boeing 777 came out of the X-Plane11 transformation really well, as the body and wings look very nice in their shiny new clothes. Reflection detail is excellent and the aircraft now looks like it has just come out of the paint shop. X-Plane11 reflection detail works for you and also against you here. In the most it is all very good, with the lighting effects making the cockpit far more realistic and more dynamic with the sharper light and deeper shadows. But if the aircraft is in a deep shadow or overcast the textures then go very grainy and dark, certainly developers will have to adapt to the new XP11 lighting conditions to get the right effects, but this is nothing new to everyone. This effect is highlighted here by the yokes (bottom left), and the instrument lighting is more focused but the spot lighting is not as effective in lighter periods, but fine at night under the new X-Plane11 rules. In time these changes will all be adjusted for, but for now it is still perfectly acceptable as the average is totally overwhelmed by the very good new style effects. For me it is simply great to fly this aircraft in X-Plane11. Is it now showing its age in X-Plane compared to the newer v2 versions of the Boeing 757/767 FlightFactor sisters? well yes a little, so I hope a version upgrade is on the cards at FlightFactor-Vmax. Still this is one of the really great X-Plane landmark aircraft in detail and features... If you have already purchased the Boeing 777 Pro's in either Worldliner or Extended packages then go to your X-Plane.OrgStore account and update now. Note: Just make sure you do download the v1.92 version as v1.90/v1.91 releases have missing issues (mostly APU and starting) v1.92 has been checked and it is fine except that I had to realign the ADIRU navigation (switch is very top left on OHP) and reset the POS INIT (GPS position) on each separate version in -200LR, -200ER, -300ER and the Freighter. As noted this v1.92 release just makes the B777 X-Plane11 compatible, with no new features except for the X-Plane11 effects, but it is all worth having just to keep on, flying on in the new X-Plane simulator. Changelog 1.9.2 - fixed the APU xp11 bug 1.9.1 xp11 compatability - provided xp11 compatability - changed the graphical content to fit XP11 features - added xp11 specific splashcreen - renamed the acf files to be more logical _____________________________________________________________________________________ The 1.92 update is now available from the X-Plane.Org Store here : Price is US$59.95 - Boeing 777 Worldliner Professional Price is US$84.95 - Boeing 777 Worldliner Professional - Extended Pack - Designed by FlightFactor (Philipp and Ramzzess) and produced by VMAX The 1.92 update is free to all users that have purchased the Boeing 777 (Pro and Ext) Series. Just go to to your X-Plane.Org Store account and log-in to download. Features Fully Functional FMS - Plan your routes like a real pilot Custom designed Flight Management Computer, integrated with other plane systems Custom programmed LNAV logic for terminal procedures Custom designed Navigation Display Tterminal procedure database with RNAV approaches and transitions VNAV managed climbs and descends Takeoff and approach speed calculation Custom autopilot modes for autoland Optimum cruise performance and step climb calculation True-to-life radio navigation with procedural-, route-, and navigation support auto-tuning Custom programmed FMC navigation using GPS-, radio- or inertial navigation with individual position errors and management of actual and required navigation performance Magnetic, true and polar grid course reference Alternate airports, diversion and arrival management Ground proximity warning system using real sounds FMC can be used on external touchscreen or tablet, optimized for the new iPad Incredible 3D modeling - the best eye-candy Amazing virtual cockpit with crisp details - Dynamic reflections Custom 3D sounds and Announcements Add-ons: Push-back truck, Fuel Truck, Passenger bus and Emergency slides ... On-Screen Menus: Configuration and loading menu, Quick Zoom Requirements X-Plane 10 Fully updated or X-Plane 11 - 64 bit required Windows, Vista, 7 / 8/ 10 (64 bits) or MAC OS 10.10 (or higher - OSX 10.9 will not work), Linux Ubuntu 14.04LTS or compatible (older versions are not supported) 4GB RAM/512 MB VRAM (1GB VRAM Recommended)- 1Gb available hard disk space Current version : 1.92 (last updated January 25, 2017) Note: For this update to work correctly on Windows, you need to install the Visual Studio 2015 redistributables, which you can download here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Developer Site: facebook Dev Thread : X-Plane.org _____________________________________________________________________________________ Technical Requirements: Windows XP , Vista, 7 / 8/ 10 (32 or 64 bits) or MAC OS 10.7 (or higher), Linux Ubuntu 14.04LTS or compatible (older versions are not supported) X-Plane 10.30+. 32 or 64 bit (64bit recommended) 4GB RAM/512 MB VRAM (1GB VRAM Recommended)- 1Gb available hard disk space Current version : 1.80 (last updated June 23rd 2015) Update Review By Stephen Dutton 27th January 2017 Copyright©2017: X-Plane Reviews
  7. Aircraft Update : Boeing 757 Professional v2.2.5 by FlightFactor/VMax It is getting to be an almost expected event every year around October in that FlightFactor/VMax brings out a new version or an update to one or both of their Boeing 757/767 twins. And here is October 2018's Boeing 757 update in v2.2.5. The last update in v2.1.13 was a major upgrade, and in fact it was a sensational one in keeping the aircraft right up to date and relevant. So what can we expect this time around to match that release. Well first there was the open ended question of VR (Virtual Reality) that was noted as coming, but not implemented on that major upgrade? but it is now available on this new release version. In reality FlightFactor has become lately more reactionary than progressive, in more the "wait and see" and now "proven" until implementing the features, and so it is here with VR, They have been in waiting for it to mature and settle down in X-Plane than just being first one in and getting all the brick-backs and buggy issues. But now VR is here for the "Rocket" Boeing, so it should be a great dimensional experience. Added is VR (oculus and vive) compatibility with two modes in native and custom. And added also is a VR test page to test VR controller configurations. There are two packages available for the FlightFactor B757 Series. One is the B757-200 single Professional pack. Second is the Extended Professional package with three aircraft included; B757-200 (below left), B757-300 (below right) and the B757-200 F (Freighter, above). And all the aircraft come with two engine choices of the Rolls Royce RB211-535E4 and the Pratt & Whitney PW2037. You can upgrade from the single B757-200 to the full (well worth it) Extended Professional package for US$20. Ground Vehicles and Static elements Notable change is the ground service vehicles. All have undergone a major overhaul and even regional shift. Gone (finally) are the Soviet era tonka style and incoming is a more modern westernised style of vehicle. Included are: APU (Auxiliary Power Unit), High Pressure Unit, Passenger Bus, Stairs, Fuel Truck, De-Ice Truck, Aircraft Cooling Unit (ACU), Two Baggage Loaders (LSU), Waste unit and rear (Cargo) loader. The set is certainly very good now, but not quite as good as using the JARDesign GHD (Ground Handling Delue) plugin. For one there is only one set of stairs, and you even lose that if you set the gate configuration? There is no food service truck, and they are not animated like GHD either... but overall it is a big advance than the outdated vehicles before. Lighting The cockpit and cabin textures had a huge overall upgrade in v2.1.13. The feel in the cockpit was thankfully lighter than the dark drama feel of the early FF Boeing 757's. This time around it is the lighting that gets the attention... ... although it is all still quite dramatic, there is a more mature and realistic feel about the cockpit now. The lighting was always quite good in here, but it now has been completely revised with new lighting technology. The lighting changes at first feel subtle, but they are now really good (note the featured red instrument selection, as you can have white or red or a mix of the two colours). The panel lighting can still look quite too heavy at the full settings... ... but it is very clear and gives great shading. But get creative and find the right adjustment tone and the instrument panel looks amazing. Note the instrument effects called blick strength, and glow. These are custom effects that sort of wash the lighting out a little... certainly a personal choice as the effects can slightly blur out the instruments, but I absolutely love it. It does come with a little setting issue in that the custom settings are quite widely spaced, so half setting is not enough blick, and the next setting is full blick? you feel you are really missing a setting in the middle for perfection. Storm and overhead cockpit lighting is also very good and quite bright. It makes aircraft setup in the cockpit great and easy at night. Settings are OHP "OVRHD" full (Storm), or the same side panel adjustment in "FLOOD", it can be slightly confusing because there is another lighting knob "OVRD", but it adjusts the instrument back lighting? The are two map lights over each pilot, again both are brightness adjustable and excellent. If your follow X-PlaneReviews you will know that I am very particular about cockpit lighting on approach. A nice correctly set lighting setting can be the difference between total realism and or that average feel in the cockpit on the approach phase, in other words if the cockpit is dark and instrument lighting is set accordingly... here it is certainly very good, but it comes with a few quirks. In the freighter version there is no cockpit door, and as the door is set here further back as you enter the freight deck. (nightmares of the FedEx employee with a hammer!). The cabin/rest area lighting is separated and adjustable from the cockpit lighting (very nice!) but it can also reflect light badly back into the cockpit unless it is toned down for landing, which is highly realistic... ... however when toned down and all the overhead lighting turned down as well I still got some rear reflective lighting? Then a few minutes later I didn't? as the reflection lighting disappeared? and then it was perfectly dark in the cockpit. My guess it is the PBR effectes not adjusting to the settings more than the actual lighting set on the aircraft, so it is correct and it does work... and when it is set in this condition the cockpit dark mode feel is certainly excellent and perfect for the approach and landing phase. Undercarriage sequencing A lot of time and work went into getting the undercarriage extraction and retraction speed and more realistic sequencing of the movement of the gear, it is noted now as perfect. Tiller can now be operated manually from the pilot's seat... but it can get confused if you use an addon yaw joystick, but if you want pure and authentic control it does work well. Weather and Terrain Radar (VAR/WX+T) is still the best in the business. Notes include ADI (Attitude Director Indicator) and horizontal situation indicator (HSI) options now available on the flight instruments, the CDU FIX page has been improved, now you can enter both: brg and dist at the same time to draw both things on the ND, with the circle and radial at the same time. The tilt indication on EHSI (Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator) has also been fixed. The spoiler shacking effect is now dependent on SHAKE ON TURB checkbox, but I found with the "SHAKE ON" set, the turbulence effect was overwhelming with flappy wings, so I turned it off, I will note I fly with xEnviro active, so my guess is the METAR date is out with high winds. There is also a new failure scenario system, the new version allows one to build large scale scenarios with failures events, or multiple failures that relate to each other, very good for realism, but bad for your everyday flying as the maintenance woes stack up. There are now more in-cockpit sounds (more now in 3d) to add in to the already comprehensive sound set, it is very good with the many options for advanced sound and adjustments. Fixed or items that have had attention to are: fixed nav light (always out on FlightFactor Boeing Twins?), cabin door (now works), nose wheel steering with BetterPushback fixes... text lighting on MCP (Mode Control Panel) and also fixed are more realistic tiller and pedal algorithms. An excuse for some nice images Early evening departure from KORD (Chicago) to KSEA (Seattle) was wet and nasty, and I am full to the brim at a 219,000lbs of aircraft, fuel and cargo weight. Personally I like flying with the heavy weight, as you have to be more flexible on speed and in the vertical pitch to get the right balance of getting the aircraft up to cruise altitude (FL300). Once above the weather you get the dying sun in your eyes as you head west... The reflection of course is on how far this Boeing 757 from FlightFactor has come in the last twelve months. As this Boeing 757 originally comes from another age and long way further back from November 2013. Strange about the age as for one thing this Boeing 757 doesn't feel is old, in fact it is a long, long way past that age, even to those that are highly familiar with the aircraft. Summary The April 2018 update of v2.1.13 for FlightFactor's/VMax Boeing 757 Professional Series was outstanding then, and in reality you didn't expect another update for the rest of this year. But no the updates keep on coming, as here is another major step with v2.2.5. Major reason for the update was VR (Virtual Reality) compatibility, but a few other nice things have had attention as well, with lighting and mostly in the cockpit with new lighting technology. The ground service vehicles have also been (finally) overhauled and and now are made more of western designs than the older Soviet outdated trucks, and there are a few more vehicles as well. The rest of the update is still an extensive list of fixes and bugs that just adds in more functionality and more details to get the B757 as near to perfection as you could get in any study grade simulation. So for the majority this is another nice tick upwards, but for those fliers that haven't yet flown the Boeing 757 Series from FlightFactor, then you are missing out on something special, and if you like medium sized airlines or like to haul freight nationally with the expanded version, then you can't go past this series... highly recommended. ______________________________________________________________________ Yes! the Boeing 757-200ER Professional & Extended versions by VMAX and FlightFactor Aero is NOW! Available from the X-Plane.Org Store here : Boeing 757-200ER v2 Professional Price is US$64.95 Boeing 757-200ER v2 Professional Extended Price is US$84.95 Boeing 757-200ER v2 Professional Extended Upgrade Price is US$64.95 + US$20 You must already have purchased and own the current Boeing 757-200 v2 version for any updates to the aircraft Requirements X-Plane 11+ (XP10 is not supported!) Windows 7+, Mac OS 10.10+ or Linux 14.04+ LTS or compatible. running in 64bit mode 2Gb VRAM Video Card Minimum. 4Gb+ VRAM Recommended. 8Gb+ VRAM Preferred. Current Version : 2.2.5 (Last updated September 29, 2018) Free auto-updates for the entire XP11 life-cycle ________________________________________________________________ Update Review by Stephen Dutton 3rd October 2018 Copyright©2018: X-PlaneReviews (Disclaimer. All images and text in this review are the work and property of X-PlaneReviews, no sharing or copy of the content is allowed without consent from the author as per copyright conditions) Review System Specifications: Computer System: Windows - Intel Core i7 6700K CPU 4.00GHz / 64bit - 16 Gb single 1067 Mhz DDR4 2133 - ASUS GeForce GTX 1080 8Gb - Samsung Evo 512gb SSD Software: - Windows 10 - X-Plane 11.20 Addons: Saitek x56 Rhino Pro system Joystick and Throttle : Sound - Bose Soundlink Mini Plugins: Environment Engine by xEnviro v1.09 US$69.90 : XPRealistic Pro v1.0.9 effects US$19.95 : WorldTraffic 3.0 Plugin - US$29.95 : BetterPushBack - Free : : JARDesign Ground Handling Deluxe plugin Scenery or Aircraft - KORD - Chicago O'Hare International Airport by Nimbus Simulations (X-Plane.OrgStore) - US$27.95 Changelog v2.2.5: - added VR (oculus and vive) compatibility with two mode, native and custom. Please see manual! - added a VR test page to test VR controllers configuration - added new vehicles - added an ability to control nose wheel from the cockpit lever - added plane loading and unloading on command - added support of loading co-routes in ICAO format, see the manual for details - added custom gear sequencing, now fully custom and close to reality - implemented new lighting technology in the cockpit - implemented a new failure scenario system - allows one to build large scale scenarios with failures events - implemented missed ADI&HSI options - made several visual and texture fixes - made it so the spoiler shacking effect is now dependent on SHAKE ON TURB checkbox - made available direct-to via the first line in legs in non original variants - made changes to 3d lighting in the cockpit - made some minor graphical changes to the exterior - made some changes to the in-cockpit sounds (more 3d) - The CDU FIX page has been improved, now you can enter both: brg and dist at the same time to draw both things on the ND, circle and radial at the same time - tunned the autothrottle to bring it closer to reality - improved pos update logic (dead reckoning) - improved vnav profile calculation stability - graphical fixes in the cockpit - fixed elevator animation - fixed nav light - fixed cabin door - fixed nose wheel steering - fixed text lighting on MCP - fixed some issues with pushback - fixed the issues with tiller and pedal algorithms - fixed tilt indication on EHSI - Remote CDU: Fixed double-entering symbols by one touch on Android devices - Remote CDU: Fixed rendering the square symbol as emoji on mobile devices   1 Anthony96 reacted to this
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