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  1. NEWS! - SimBrief updated by Navigraph The absolute horror of it... they changed Simbrief!, it's almost a religion. Back on April 1st 2021 (note the April Fools Day reference), Navigraph acquired the free SimBrief virtual dispatch system. Created in 2013 by "Derek", this extraordinary free tool will create a full virtual flight planning service. It features detailed fuel calculations for over 120 aircraft types, an extensive route database, real-world weather forecasts, current NOTAMs and ETOPS planning. It also allows you to also download a generated flightplan to install the created route. For myself it is the data to program the aircraft's route (via waypoint) plus the correct SID and STAR procedures, and fuel, passenger and cargo loading calculations. It is a simply invaluable tool to any simulation user. Notable was Navigraph's change to their own Navigraph Charts 8 application only last November 2022. It was a significant change to the design and layout to charts, but months in it is a certainly a revolution in the way we access data information and airport charts. I absolutely love the design, and the application is well worth the subscription. So now Navigraph have overhauled SimBrief as well... when I heard that I was really not sure about the idea at all... Besides the fresh new clean look (very similar to Charts 8), and the changes include; Improved Interface Personal flying statistics Dark mode and large text options A larger and more convenient interactive flight map Built-in airframes for popular third-party add-ons Improved alternate airport filters and options Easier sorting through saved flights and saved airframes A new and improved user guide ATC Flight Plan Start dashboard is very different with noted "Latest Flightplan", Your last flightplans over 30 days, Aircraft Types (30 Days) and your Navigraph Subscription, current AIRAC Cycle. Yes the long form flightplan layout has now gone, with the Map/Route separated in to a new larger window panel, again it is all very Charts 8 in feel. Dark mode is sensational, I'm also (very) happy the MAP has been moved out of the long form, and out of the way... I had a problem with my Apple Mouse scrolling the zoom badly every time I went over it, it was a real distraction in repeatably zooming it back into context. New is the ATC Flightplan (I never saw this before?) and is printable (copy and paste), and the long form Briefing is still there, but not as widely set... Departure and Arrival Airport information is more detailed, which is also handy. Certainly the weather conditions, as also available in Charts 8. Certainly there is a new format now to navigate. As with Charts 8, you will soon workout the new layout, if hunting for the same information in a different context. But the flow here and navigation looks far more better... only grip is that you can't adjust the "30 Day" period use to a longer period? A brilliant tool made now even better by Navigraph, also a good deal is that the tool is free and can be used in a Browser, on a PC, Mac, IOS and Android... can be found here; SimBrief Dispatch System What is not to like! ________________ News by Stephen Dutton 17th February 2023 Copyright©2023: X-Plane Reviews Disclaimer. All images and text in this review are the work and property of X-PlaneReviews, no sharing or copy of the content is allowed without consent from the author as per copyright conditions) All Right Reserved.
  2. News! - Navigraph acquires SimBrief One of the most vital tools in our Simulation armoury is a clever virtual dispatch system called SimBrief. Created in 2013 by "Derek", this extraordinary free tool will create a full virtual flight planning service. It features detailed fuel calculations for over 120 aircraft types, an extensive route database, real-world weather forecasts, current NOTAMs and ETOPS planning. It also allows you to also download a generated flightplan to install the created route. For myself it is the data to program the aircraft's route (via waypoint) plus the correct SID and STAR procedures, and fuel, passenger and cargo loading calculations. It is a simply invaluable tool to any simulation user. Over the last few years SimBrief was also intergrated into the excellent Navigraph charts system, in overlaying the route on the correct map, and also in a backwards capability in verifying the correct current Navigraph airdata (AIRAC) into the created flightplanning of the route. The announcement is that now Navigraph has acquired the SimBrief system to be now part of Navigraph. Magnus Axholt, CEO and co-founder of Navigraph says "The acquisition is a natural progression of the already close collaboration between Navigraph and SimBrief. It builds on the integration between the two platforms existing since 2013 and provides the ability to do flight planning using up to date navigational data". This would of course create an apoplectic reaction as SimBrief is currently a free service and Navigraph is a subscription service... so will you now have to pay for SimBrief... currently no... Magnus of Navigraph notes; "We plan to integrate SimBrief and Navigraph even further and enable additional functionality to SimBrief using the data and resources Navigraph has available, but however SimBrief's flight planning functionality will continue to be free. Users who want to use the most current navigational data can subscribe to Navigraph and unlock the AIRAC cycles in SimBrief, as before." Sigh of relief... but not really for me as I already use a Navigraph account and also recommend the excellent service. Notably is that "Derek" will also continue to be involved with the SimBrief application while not now being the original developer and owner... notes Magnus; "Derek will play a key role as we develop some of the features in the next generation Navigraph Charts product. With the powerful combination of his real world aviation background and software development experience, Derek is a very welcome member of our skilled and multi-disciplinary Navigraph Development Team. "We shall make SimBrief's flight planning functionality even more accessible to developers in the community by structuring the SimBrief API together with Navigraph APIs in the upcoming Navigraph Developer Portal." "Navigraph has been a strong SimBrief supporter from the very beginning." Derek adds. "I have always enjoyed working with them to improve the integration between the two services. This very much feels like a natural progression, and I am excited to be a part of the team going forward." He goes on to say, "I'm confident that Navigraph's resources and experienced development team will not only help ensure that SimBrief remains available to the community for years to come, but also make for some exciting new features and improvements that wouldn't otherwise be possible." "I have been both humbled and incredibly grateful for the support the community has shown me since I launched SimBrief nearly eight years ago, and I'm looking forward to this next chapter in SimBrief's development." says Derek in closing. SimBrief will currently continue to operate under the name SimBrief, but now with the tag line "by Navigraph". The announcement of SimBrief/Navigraph hook up certainly came from out of nowhere, but interesting is the joining of the resources of not of only the quality of Navigraph, but also the continuation of the original developer of the SimBrief application. The one very important point is that with this announcement it will also give the SimBrief application a solid future, and that is the one important thing above anything else, as currently as this virtual dispatch system is a seriously vital tool to any Simulation user. Navigraph is here; Navigraph FMS Data and Charts for Flight Simulation. SimBrief is here; SimBrief Dispatch System ____________________________ News by Stephen Dutton 1st April 2021 Copyright©2021: X-Plane Reviews (Disclaimer. All images and text in this review are the work and property of X-PlaneReviews, no sharing or copy of the content is allowed without consent from the author as per copyright conditions) All Rights Reserved
  3. simBrief is now allowing X-Plane users to plan and download flight planning details. SimBrief is a virtual flight dispatch center that capable of generating in-depth flight plan packages containing weather forecasts, current NOTAMs, accurate fuel planning based on real world winds aloft and ETOPS data. simBrief has a partnership with Navigraph that allows you the option of upgrading to the latest AIRAC cycle. If you don’t have a Navigraph account you can still freely use the default SimBrief.com database of which is noted as slightly dated. VATSIM users are also catered for with detailed routes and VATAWARE/VATroute interaction. Once registered on simBrief it is a free system to use and I was very impressed with the planning system. It is easy to get the routes via Flightaware, VatAware,VATroute,SimRoutes and routefinder. Then just fill in your flight details in Airline, Flight-no, Aircraft, Orig-Dest, Date and departure (Zulu-time). (more options are available) and the simBrief will then create a packaged fightplan that you can download, print. prefile for VATSIM or make a .pdf. Support is excellent as well with plenty of forums to answer your questions... Overall I was very impressed. An excellent video shows how to use the simBrief system but you may have to run through it a few times to get all the inputs correct on the site. For more information : simBrief Virtual Dispatch 7th September 2013
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