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NEWS! - KOSP PROJECT - A321 CFM56 & LEAP1A Soundscape released Honestly, if you mentioned sound at the start of my flying in the X-Plane Simulator, it would have been very low on my list of features. Jump ahead a decade or so and that aspect has changed completely. In an immersion sense, sound is now extremely high on my list on having a quality simulation experience... so what happened? Mostly it was via Blue Star Sky sound packs, in that I realised that really good aural feedback can give you a far better experience, since then I have been hooked. Most would note that aircraft already have good sound packages built in. To a point that is true, but a really well and professionally created sound package can still deliver an experience above and beyond. That brings us to KOSP, who has brought out a soundscape for the ToLiss Airbus A321. This package covers the CFM56 and LEAP1A engines. To use you would need not only the donor Toliss A321 aircraft, but also the A321 NEO ADD-ON to access the LEAP1A33 Engines. But this is were it gets a little odd? There is altogether four engine options on Toliss A321 with the NEO addon... The basic Toliss pack comes with two engines in the CEO (Current Engine Option), CFM56-5B3 and IAE V2533-A5. Added into the mix is the NEO package of NEO (New Engine Option) of the PW1130-JM ""PurePower" engines" (PW1000G series) and the CFM-LEAP1A33. That is all great... So to note this KOSP Project soundscapes only covers 1 CEO engine... the CFM56, and 1 NEO engine in the... LEAP1A33. Not the other CEO IAE V2533-A5 or the NEO PW1130-JM... so why odd? Well you would think that you would pick either the CEO option engines or the two NEO engines, not one from each package option? So you have brilliant sound (yes it is very, very good), on the CFM56, and the LEAP1A, but dull sound on the other two? In reality the sound option I wanted was the PW1000G, but that engine soundscape is not available here? So the question arises, it this release just a part release of the A321 sound package (the developer does note he has other work to do on the FlightFactor 777 v2), or is this it? and in time, will it be that all the engine options of both CEO and NEO soundscapes will be covered... My hope is that all engines will be covered as the quality of this package is very good. Installation is extremely easy... just move the 8 required files to the "TolissA321/fmod" folder and when prompted, replace the current set of files... done! The details are all in the provided USER MANUAL. Features and details -All mechanical switches, levers, knobs, armrests etc were recorded on a real Airbus A320 series using a condenser microphone. -Extreme attention was given to the acoustics of the engines. Frequencies were broken down, cleaned, and individually reconstructed using semi-synthesis techniques. -Systems such as Door Energizers and Cockpit Seat Movements were also recorded (PTU/Y-pumps are of course included). The feature list is too long to be listed. However, all sounds that are expected to be present on the real aircraft will be included in the set. What sets us apart from other sound pack providers? -We have implemented even tiny sounds like the friction between the display unit brightness knobs. -System sounds, such as PTU, have been isolated and equalized by hand to achieve the clearest samples of the system. -For example, the exterior blower startup is rarely heard by operators sitting inside, but it has still been recorded and implemented. -Our sounds have been built with full awareness of sound propagation characteristics and filtering according to distance, rather than simply fading away. -Flybys will sound dramatic on certain view types but will remain smooth on chase-plane cameras for listening comfort. Our main focus, the engines, are nearly indistinguishable when overlaid on real aircraft videos. This was a proof of concept demonstrating the true capabilities of the FMOD sound engine. KOSP do note this is a "Project", but the two engines covered here are quite exceptional, as are the array of sounds in the cockpit, the cranky PTU is excellent... as are many other smaller noises around the aircraft. KOSP note the sounds are dramatic, and I won't at all disagree to that notion, as this is an excellent sound pack. Two demonstration videos are provided... ________________ The KOSP PROJECT - A321 CFM56 & LEAP1A Soundscape is now available from the X-Plane.OrgStore!... Here: KOSP PROJECT - A321 CFM56 & LEAP1A Soundscape Price is US$19.99 Requirements Toliss A321 is required Toliss A321 NEO extension is required X-Plane 12 or X-Plane 11 Download Size: 40 MB Released June 19th 2023 Note that XP12 users may experience clipping noises near the wing, due to an ongoing issue with XP12 and fmod sound cones. This will hopefully be resolved by Laminar. ________________ News by Stephen Dutton 21st June 2023 Copyright©2023: X-Plane Reviews Disclaimer. All images and text in this review are the work and property of X-PlaneReviews, no sharing or copy of the content is allowed without consent from the author as per copyright conditions) All Right Reserved.