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Everything posted by tukan68

  1. Hi Stephen I really appreciate all your reviews for the community. But this one gave me some headache - autoland with an Embraer E-Jet of the first generation? Of course I tried it also and it resulted in a very hard landing, between 450 to 600 fpm as I remember wastefully. According my investigation only the new E2 versions have autoland with CAT II or III. But to be sure I asked ChatGPT and here the response: Older Embraer E-Jets (E170, E175, E190, E195): These models are generally equipped with ILS approaches up to CAT I. They do not have full automatic Autoland capabilities (CAT II or III), meaning the pilot must take control of the landing, especially in the final phases of the approach. They cannot perform fully automated CAT II or CAT III approaches, where the aircraft lands by itself. If visibility is poor, it’s expected that the pilot either executes a go-around or performs a manual landing. Embraer E-Jets E2 (E190-E2, E195-E2): The newer E2 variants are more technologically advanced and feature upgraded avionics capable of supporting more complex approach procedures, including ILS approaches under CAT II or CAT III. Some of these aircraft can be equipped with Autoland systems capable of fully automatic landings, depending on the operator's specifications and certification. In these cases, the pilot would only take over after the landing, meaning after touchdown and during taxiing. So, the E2 variants offer greater automation, including the possibility of Autoland in extremely low-visibility conditions (CAT II/III), while the older models rely more on manual control from the pilot. If you're thinking about specific airlines or configuration variants, those can also affect the exact capabilities of the aircraft! So I hope to fly sometime in the future an E2 version with full autoland capabilities. Let's see what the aircraft developers will bring for us in the future - in the meantime I'm looking forward to your next review. Regards Joël (tukan68) PS: I really love flying those planes (mostly the E175, sometimes the 190), very easy to handle and lot of good information and documentation from the developer to get into it.
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