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Goodbye and Fly High : The passing of Heinz Dziurowitz
I woke up to the sad news that Heinz Dziurowitz has passed away (In Australia you are always the last or first to know). To many in X-Plane Heinz was one of our founding fathers, and one of the earliest to create quality payware for the simulator. His work has been one of the foundations of our flying online and for that we will always be indebted to him. X-Plane has been built on the shoulders, skill and devotion of people like Heinz, and for that we are eternally grateful.
But I like the idea that his soul will live (hopefully forever) on every time we use or fly one of his aircraft.
His last aircraft update was the Beechcraft 18 which I reviewed only earlier this year : Aircraft Review : Beechcraft 18 by Heinz Dzuirowit

So if you are not familiar with his work you can see or purchase the aircraft here. on the X-Plane.OrgStore  Heinz Planes

His X-Plane legacy can be seen here at his site : My Virtual Hangar and you can't help but be impressed by the breadth and scale of Heinz's work.
X-Plane is not everything in everyone's lives, music was as a bigger and greater love to this man, so as a tribute to this talented man I post here his video of "Freebird"...  Goodbye and fly high, my dear friend.
Stephen Dutton

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