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Upcoming : Aerosoft Airports... EIDW Dublin (Now Released! 10th Sept) and EGCC Manchester

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Upcoming : Aerosoft Airports...  EIDW Dublin and EGCC Manchester

In the last twelve months there has not been much wind in the direction of X-Plane from Aerosoft. There was those nice skytools and the very nice Mykonos scenery but other than that very little else. But a small candle does still flicker for our simulator in that there are two sceneries coming (and one soon) for our part of the simulation universe.
EIDW Dublin          Now Released!...  Available from the X-Plane.Org Store at US$29.95 Airport Dublin
On St Patrick's day 17th March 2014 Aerosoft released the FSX/FS.9 Mega Airport Dublin, The FS crowd have waited a long time for their Dublin scenery and so any X-Plane scenery of Dublin was going to be a poor chance of a free Guinness from an Irishman. But wait...
There is a EIDW Dublin for X-Plane coming from Aerosoft and better still it will be released very soon. Even better is that the scenery is even very good, and looks excellent in that Aerosoft way and also as good as the FSX offering.



As I have got deeper into X-Plane and found my preferred routes, I also found that EIDW became a significant point in flying around the UK and European cites, Ireland as well is a great place to fly as covered in our review of the was the starting point to Cork. The current Irish Scenery by Cormac last updated February 2008 is great scenery but now becoming outdated with all the changes at EIDW, so the Aerosoft version will be very welcome.
Very good the scenery is and to give you a better overview then take a look at this great video by Redpiper1.

EGCC Manchester
Another scenery coming from Aerosoft is EGCC Manchester which is still in its early development stages. EGCC is already well represented in X-Plane with Captain Dij's version already available (don't forget to download the new tower for the Captain Dij scenery here... New Control Tower - EGCC)
But with EGCC Manchester the biggest issue is with framerate in the fact there are a lot of sceneries set in the same area and they tend to overlap each over, like with Liverpool EGGP. So the Aerosoft version might be very interesting in that area, and a much more heavily detailed version would be worth a look...  Early work images of EGCC are very interesting, and are also very good.







So Aerosoft may not be shouting its involvement in X-Plane as much in 2014, but the coming releases are still there... 
All images courtesy of Icarus Development Team and video courtesy of redpiper1
Stephen Dutton
27th August 2014
Copyright©X-Plane Reviews

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It's also worth noting that the almost-released updated Aerosoft Heathrow will eventually me coming to X-Plane too - and as you can see in this video, it looks like it already converts wonderfully to X-Plane!



[Oops, forgot to login - can someone delete my comment above please? :D

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