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Scenery Review : EDDN - Nuremberg XP by Aerosoft


The X-Plane 11 release EDDN - Nuremberg XP was over four years ago, in April 2020. This scenery was a 29 Palms development, who are a German art house that has done scenery for both Aerosoft and Orbx, Nuremburg XP was branded under Aerosoft. This was their ninth scenery for X-Plane that covers Bavaria's second largest international airport.


At the time EDDN was a very solid scenery, as most certainly are all Aerosoft quality sceneries when set in Germany, you can pick any one including EDDS -Stuttgart or EDLW-Dortmund XP and already know what you are going to receive. But the roll out of the many sceneries still not updated to X-Plane 12 by Aerosoft has also been slow. So if you get one that has had the X-Plane 12 treatment like this EDDN - Nuremburg, it's well worth investing in.


Nuremberg Airport is an international airport of the Franconian metropolitan area of Nuremberg and the second-busiest airport in Bavaria after Munich Airport. It is located approximately only 5 km north of Nuremberg's city centre and offers flights within Germany as well as to European metropolitan and leisure destinations, especially along the Mediterranean Sea, on the Canary Islands, in Turkey and in Egypt. The Airport is owned and operated by Flughafen Nürnberg GmbH, in turn owned 50% by the state of Bavaria and 50% by the city of Nuremberg.


Nuremberg Airport

"Albrecht Dürer" Flughafen Nürnberg



Navigraph Charts EDDN.jpg

10/28 - 2,700m (8,858ft) Concrete/Asphalt

Elevation AMSL1,046 ft / 319 m


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Like with everything with X-Plane 12, the contrast is deeper and the world is more photo realistic than the blander X-Plane 11. Again the elements work for you, but even better now with those more quality X-Plane 12 trees that cover two sides of the Nuremburg perimeter. The German autogen does it's stuff even better as well, creating a more viable city and environments close to the airport. It's a full eyeview of detail...  it shows off the advances of a Simulator in only four years.


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The 28 Approach is in part of the forest, the 10 Approach is a far more open field.


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All the airport infrastructure is set to the east in it's Germanic arrangement, there is a single passenger terminal, that consists of two departure halls and one arrival hall which are all linked together landside and airside. 


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There are four forward apron zones with M1(Cargo/Hangar A) left, M2 Terminal, M3 Remote Stands and far right M4, rear apron zones (stands) are again left to right with N1, N2, H4, N4.


Terminal modeling is the same, but the textures have been given the full updated Physically Based Rendering (PBR) treatment to the better X-Plane 12 standards, and it shows. It was classic before, glass is perfect, a tinted green, but the right opacity. to make it look realistic, but the terminal overall now sort of feels as in being far more realistic and defined here, it's top quality.


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There are four animated airbidges 10-13. Gate 09 looks like it is missing the airbridge, but the roadway like in the real NUE cuts through, Gate 14 is also only a Walkon/Walkoff walkway.


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You can't fault it, as it is fabulously well done, top notch in quality detail. It is all very impressive and it is also very well designed under the airbridges and right down on to the lower service road, and the excellent airbridge Sixt Rent-a-car advertising is very authentic.


EDDN XP11 was built around the SAM plugin, since abandoned? OpenSAM has stepped into the breach and it works, but only on the very latest version v1.60.b2, so you will need to update the plugin to use it here. The SAM feature to open the FAI gates manually to their apron and hangar facility is still there, but now located under the "Remote Control" selection on the OpenSAM plugin menu.


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You do have a basic internal terminal detail, and the resolution is quite good as well, making it usable, now certainly better than I remember...  but overall the layout is for the external views


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Original clutter was very good, and the same quality here as well with a lot airport or airline branded. Animated traffic is well done, but a little odd in being trapped by your active aircraft? so it doesn't flow as it should. The static aircraft have also been retained, so there are a few and mostly private Gulfsteam jets and KingAirs sitting around of which are very nice area fillers.


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There is a huge amount of aircraft servicing and maintenance facilities at EDDN, mostly "Aero-Dienst" and all has been well recreated in the scenery.


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There is a cargo facility at NEU, but it's not that big. It is configured out of the original Nuremberg terminal in the north that opened in 1955, the old tower is situated mid-point as well and the Fire Station far north, but you do get six stands 1-6 and a big cargo processing facility set to the rear.


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I was extremely impressed with the Landside in the XP11 review, it was all very well done and it is the same comprehensive layout here again in X-Plane 12, even with the same reverse advertising signage on some of the buildings?


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There are a lot of areas to take in from the four massive carparks, Mövenpick Hotel and airport administration buildings...  signage detail is however first rate and even 29 Palms have some exposure..


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Landside arrivals is excellent, and the animated traffic works over here...  and yes the Kalchreuth Bakery is still there, it is interesting on how many food outlets and restaurants there are at NEU, so you won't starve here, even for the fussy food ones.


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But in looking at the overall landside areas, it all does feel different from the original XP11 version? The change is in the quality X-Plane 12 trees and fauna, and it makes a big if huge difference. There are no cardboard trees anymore, but the high quality default trees and fauna that now changes along with the seasons.


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Control Tower

The Control Tower at Nuremburg is iconic, distinctive...  even a piece of architectural art. And stand out on both the approaches it does. It is 36 meters (118 feet) tall and was installed as part of the airports modernization in the 1980's.


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Control Tower detail is excellent with a basic interior, and the red radar is nicely animated. Tower View (T) is also excellent on both 10/28 Approaches, and set perfectly just above the rotating radar


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The lighting on the X-Plane 11 version was not the scenery's greatest feature. Here it has been upgraded to X-Plane 12 lighting elements, and it is far better....  but could it have been even made more better still? The approach lighting is fine with both 10/28 Approaches and runway lighting now to the ICAO standard, and including REILs, Running Rabbits and HDR Lighting.


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Ramp and apron areas are now two-tone, still that yellowish tone for the commercial ramps, but also now a brighter whiter tone for the cargo ramps


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A loss of lighting though is on the terminal buildings, the former XP11 window lighting is gone and it has been replaced by a darker view. But it does work better with the graphic windows on the older terminal/cargo buildings.


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Maintenance and service areas Aero-Dienst and FAI are actually a lot brighter and all the better for it.


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The lighting Landside in X-Plane 11 didn't work very well? It has been redone here and IT IS better, but again could still be a more better as well, certainly in the busy Arrival zone. Carparks and the storied Carparking lighting is now also done, but overall on this side it is still on the darker side.


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The runway and taxiway lighting is very good. But the Navigation signage is terrible. All you have here are faint lights on the board, so they are certainly not usable or readable at night? An oversight here.


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Textures & Seasonal

The X-Plane 11 version had good textures. But the X-Plane 12 version is now totally revised to the far better XP12 standard and dynamics. The textures now come with XP12 PBR reflections and normal maps, and totally revised orthophotos, all are color optimized for XP12, including autumn/winter versions and normal maps. It shows in the far better surface detail, as all surfaces are feeling more grittier and realistic.


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Aerosoft were always good at 3d grass, here it is again being exceptional with duel tone grass with spring flowers, runway and taxi edges are really authentic as well, no straight perfectly clean lines here, just great ragged edges.


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EDDN uses the X-Plane 12 dynamics to the full, wet or rainy conditions are first rate...


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...   Seasonal vistas are also excellent. originally 29 Palms used the SAM seasons system, but that is gone here and replaced with the default seasonal tree, ice and snow winter conditions, and all the other seasonal variations, it is mega good.


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29 Palms branded under the Aerosoft banner, released a great rendition of EDDN - Nuremberg in April 2020. This is the newer X-Plane 12 version, and again it is a very professional scenery presented by this art house.


In one aspect it is the same NEU scenery with the same modeling and layouts, which were excellent in the first place, so every area of the EDDN airport is still well covered here, from the excellent designed terminal, to the huge landside detail and signage, with all the private companies associated with the airport. The airport intergrates extremely well with the German autogen, and more realistic X-Plane fauna, so Nuremburg is also a nice part of the scenery.


So the modern X-Plane 12 makeover gives the original scenery a really bigger new shine and glow. Textures are now better PBR realistic, glass is clearer and more tinted see through (but still realistic). All ground textures are new with the better built in XP12 dynamics, as are the excellent seasonal effects with the new XP12 trees and realistic fauna. Lighting is all X-Plane 12 now as well to ICAO standards, but the weakness of the landside lighting is still only partly resolved, it is far better, but more individual focused lighting on the arrival area would have been a even better solution, but carparks are now thankfully lit.


Clutter is locally branded and again extremely well done, but the animated traffic is not refined enough. The abandoned SAM is also featured, but in using OpenSam as a replacement, you still have the option of opening the FAI gate, and the working animated Airbridges.


 EDDN - Nuremburg was very good in X-Plane 11, and was a very worthwhile investment, it is now even far better here for the X-Plane 12 version, so well worthwhile upgrading or purchasing, as this version uses the better dynamic and texture effects to the maximum, so the NEU X-Plane 12 scenery is exceptional and it is very well priced for good value....   a keeper!



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Yes! EDDN - Nuremberg XP by Aerosoft is available from the X-Plane.Org Store here :

EDDN - Nuremberg XP

Price is US$24.00


New in the XP12 version:

  • Standalone, fully customized XP12 version
  • Revised lighting
  • Ground textures now including PBR reflections and normal maps
  • Revised orthophoto, color optimized for XP12, including autumn/winter version and normal map
  • Reworked vegetation placement (new volumetric grass)
  • XP12 3D vegetation for forests, trees and bushes for seamless integration into the environment
  • Weather effects for wet, snow and ice
  • Full support for native XP12 seasons, with no other add-ons or plugins
  • Reworked autogen and street placement
  • Revised static aircrafts



X-Plane 12 or X-Plane 11
Windows, Mac or Linux
8 GB+ VRAM Recommended
Download Size: 4 GB
Current Version: 1.0.0 for X-Plane 12 (September 15th 2024) - 1.05 for X-Plane 11

There are provided OPTIONS to use the SimHeaven nav-data (autogen) in the Aerosoft EDDN scenery



Notable is that you have to use the "Aerosoft One" application to install (update) Nuremburg XP12 scenery...


Installation of either airport for XP12 is done through Aerosoft one installer:

After you have installed Aerosoft One, click on  

ENTER PRODUCT KEY (under the Library Tab)

Then enter the Serial Number provided in this order. This will give you the option to download the airport. Note the different X-Plane 11 and X-Plane 12 installations.

The earlier X-Plane 11 version is also included the package, but only v1.05, and without the XP12 effects


Total scenery installation is a huge : 6.87gb


openSAM: an open source replacement for SAM 1.60 is required for this scenery



The earlier X-Plane 11 Aerosoft EDDN documents have been removed, and so are not updated to X-Plane 12.


Review System Specifications: 

Windows  - 12th Gen IS1700 Core i7 12700K 12 Core 3.60 GHz CPU - 64bit -32 Gb single 1067 Mhz DDR4 2133PNY GeForce RTX 3080 10GB XLR8 - Samsung 970 EVO+ 2TB SSD

Software:   - Windows 11 Pro - X-Plane 12.1.2rc2

Plugins: Traffic Global - JustFlight-Traffic (X-Plane.OrgStore) US$52.99 : Global SFD plugin US$30.00

Scenery or Aircraft

- none -



Scenery Review by Stephen Dutton

26th September 2024

Copyright©2024: X-Plane Reviews


(Disclaimer. All images and text in this review are the work and property of X-PlaneReviews, no sharing or copy of the content is allowed without consent from the author as per copyright conditions) All Rights Reserved


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